
2008-2009 seahawks??

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prediction i dont wont anybody dissing on my favorite team.please just state the prediction and if they make it to the playoffs and how long?

i predict 11-5 or 12-4

i think they are starting over with the wide out position even though they still have some vets there last year we made it to they playoffs with no running offence obvously they have address the issue perfectly. signin julius jones and getting tj ducket. matt has a couple more years in him. and plus it mike holmgrens last year and everybody on that team wants to give him the best they can for him.

go hawks1




  1. 19-0

  2. I would say they have a chance to be Super Bowl bound..if not that far I would say  10-5-1.

  3. 12-4.  They will lose to: 49ers in S.F., Dallas, New England, Rams in S.L.  As far as the playoffs, we will have see who they play.

  4. there D is there bread and butter, with lofa tatphu, juian perterson, patrick kerney, and marcus trufant. there offence is alright, they bosted there running game in the off season but hurt there pass game because they lose DJ haccet, I think john carlson will help there pass game more than people think though, they will be alittel better than last year, win the division and probly be out in the first round like ussual

  5. I'd say that the chances are slim. The Seahawks are saddled with a moribound Quarterback and an over-rated offense. That said, the Ravens had a mediocre QB in Dilfer and WON a Super Bowl. The main difference being that the Ravens had a D that not only prevented scoring, but took the ball away, AND scored themselves. Much easier to be a so - so quarterback when that happens. I don't dislike the Seahawks, I just don't see anything great about them. They will be better than 500 and in the NFC THAT could be enough to get them deep into the play offs. To be honest, I doubt they go anywhere if they get there. Given their division, they will probably get to the first round and catch the next flight home.
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