
2008 Planetary Olympics?

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If there was an olympics for the planets in our solar system, with all the planets participating, who would bring home the most medals and win these events:

100 meter sprint

200 meter breaststroke




Or any other popular events that I'm missing and you wanna through in there.




  1. Jupiter would win the breast stroke. He's famous for it.

    Mercury would win all the speed events.

  2. It would have to be Space Ghost. Unless he was disqualified for using his power bracelets, then I would say The Killer Klowns from outerspace unless they used their popcorn guns, then I would say Phelps from earth!

  3. Uranus would win the gymnastic, it is spinning on its side.

    Biking should go to Saturn, it has the largest spoked wheel ring system in the solar system.

    Saturn should also have basket, since it clearly can get in the hoop (mind you, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings, but they are not as visible)

    Earth would win the hurdle, the presence of the moon orbiting (the largest moon to planet mass ratio in the solar system) makes it swing sideways on its orbit.

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