
2008 maths higher gcse tomorrow: Am I the only one nervous?

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I am absolutly freaked out about the exam tomorrow..

Is there anyone else on here taking it tomorrow?

If so how do you feel?

Have you revised lots?

I am so nervous, I think I will fail.

Paper one went okay, but non calc is easier, what do you think?




  1. totally agree - just tried to do a past paper and could barely understand any of it!

    even when i looked at the answers half of them didnt make sense.. =[

    oh well - GCSEs don't count..apparently! =]

  2. im so nervous i might die

  3. Yeah, me too!

    im totally stressing out, i just hope i do well. But as long as you've revised thoroughly, and you've gone over the topics you struggle with (do some past papers, and then you can get a rough idea on what types of questions you are getting wrong). Then revise these topics well. Thats what i do. For example SURDS...oh lord they really confuse me!!! So i'm trying to do loads of questions on surds, to get the hang of it. Cos the more you practice the more you'll understand it.

    good luck for tomorow !! :)

  4. yes i am scared no i havent revised much but to be honest i cant see me failing.....If i do im not sure what i will do

  5. nope ive got one too

  6. well i found it reltaively easy and i hadnt revised

    it was harder than non-calc though

    hitory tomrow woopee

  7. i am nervous too but not too bad, i have revised quite a bit. I agree think non-calc is easier, but u shouldn't feel nervous because if your teachers thought u were good enough to do higher maths, then i'm sure ur quite capable of passing it :-)

    good luck

  8. Look just chill babe you'll do great tomorrow just relax and take a few deep breaths before you enter to do your test.

    Now if just relax and flick through your revision book because if you start to stress all your hard work will be for nothing. :)

    Oh and trust me Calc is easier because most questions are just simple and there a few questions where they just test you can use a calc so its not hard!!! :)

  9. Don't worry I'm nervous too. Just another three hours to go.

    I'm suspicious because the non-calc paper was quite easy so I think they're going to make this paper extremely hard. I'll be crossing my fingers that they don't though. I really need to pass math to.

    Good luck today. =]

  10. i was in this position last year. i think calc is much easyer. if it make you feel any better i have a three hour As exam tomorrow.  and i pretty much failed my music exam.

    don't stress gcses are ok. and just think of that extra long holiday you have afterwards.

  11. i found te calculato paer quit hard 've probably faile and did you get that histogram question

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