
200m Sprint, Advice Please!?

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I need advice on doing the 200m. I'm doing the race fairly soon so I don't need training advice.

I need tips on how to run the race. E.g, do i try to sprint all of it or do i go at three quarter pace for some of it.

Is there any other advice i can have for the actual race that will help me with my sprinting techinques or other things.

Any advice will be much appreciated.




  1. Full on sprint the whole thing, make sure your hydrated though ( I blacked out and fell over the line in my last race :( - still i got 2nd in the county)

  2. If you are using blocks. The 1st 50-100M(corner) should be about power, quick burst of speed

    Power (run after hard back leg push)out of the blocks do not jump or just step out, keep your eyes focused on the track to keep low while building up of speed, keep your face & neck relaxed,

    After the corner at the top of the 100M straigthaway you should have high stride phase out of your acceleration phase here you should high knee action, your leg action should be fast and light as if running on hot surface, your arm action should be fast("you run on your legs with your arms")-

    hands slightly higher at the front (you should see your thumb in your line sight), while keeping your focus on the finsih line and not on the competitors around you.

  3. train with ankle weights, and during the race sprint the whole thing its not very long

  4. if there is abend that you need to go through in the 2oom race that is what slows down people big time.You've got be really smoothe on that bend and dont slow down.Just spped up.Do all the streches before and be calm. Dont get that nervous or tense because it can raise your pulse.And you dont want to raise your pulse right at the beggining of the race.Good luck:)

  5. The 200 is considered a sprint, you never do three quarter pace on this race or you will get left.  

    As for advice for the actual race there is really no advice to be given, your performace will depend on how you train.

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