
2012, the end of the world?

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According to the Mayan Calendar, the end of the world comes in december of 2012. If this is accurate how do you see the world ending..just curious...hmm




  1. The world has been ending since it began. don't worry. Live on!

  2. Here's some good information on the subject and why it won't happen:

    Simply another opportunity for people to cash in!

  3. On December 13, 2012 ... the day after the end of the earth is supposed to end ... the human race will wake up and realize that no global catastrophe happened.

    On that day they will also realize that nobody printed up 2013 calendars!

    This will prompt a worldwide panic as the shortage of calendars is realized ... compounded with the fact that everyone will be running to the ATMs to withdraw the money they didn't think they would need ... causing a massive run on the banks.

    This will prompt worldwide economic panic, the crash of stock markets around the world, and economic disaster of Biblical proportions.  Oh, the humanity!  

    (I shudder to think of it.)

  4. The Mayans  calendar does end in 2012 thus ending a major cycle (thank you other poster for being informed enough to post this).

    I believe the Mayans were not predicting the end of the world (which humans see as only Earth) but the end of a major cycle of existence or the world as we know it. This could be a good thing. When the Soviets (yes they beat the great USA) first launched a man into space the space race was on and outer space was open to mankind and the world as people knew it ceased to exist. When the atomic bomb was created (and thus nuclear missiles and nuclear power) the world people knew again ceased to exist (it was a changed world).

    If extraterrestrial life (and I mean even microbes within our own solar system) then the world changes as we know we are not the only environment that can support life.

    I think this will be what takes place in 2012.

    I do hope that global warming (or even just polluted air) that make it difficult or impossible to live in some cities is not what 2012 is known for although Los Angeles is making a good run for unlivable.

    To the poster that incorrectly posted the world would never end. One could say that the Earth may survive but that all life on it would cease. Most people consider that the end of the world. The sun is a star and like all stars have limited amounts of fuel. One day that fuel will be exhausted and it will fail to support life on Earth (granted billions of years from now and humankind may do itself in first) thus the world will end just not in 2012.

  5. These are all superstitious rumours. World will never end.

  6. What the h**l do the Mayans know anyway?  They were exterminated by the Spanish centuries ago.  Why wasn't that in their calendar?

  7. My son would love it if it happens just before mid-terms of his senior year.

    You don't actually believe that, do you?

  8. i have no idea. i've been dead for 12 years.

  9. Yes we'll be hit by a meteor AND aliens will invade us.

    predator will show up, and he'll protect us. Cause he hates dem aliens.

    Then radioactivity in the meteor will turn people into zombies from 28 days later and I am legend.

    Meanwhile global warming will get chupacabra out of his cave, and defreeze a bunch of mamoths, yetis and sasquatch (which i think are the same thing) and they'll be running amok.....

    then the rising sea levels will drown us.

    Sound good?

    Or perhaps 2012 is fake........

  10. With my highschool graduation.

    Okay, I really don't believe that the world's going to end.

    God won't let that happen.

  11. I don't think that's the end of the world. Their CALENDAR ends on December 23, 2012.

  12. Depends on how. The sun won't blow till 3.5 billion years later, and it's highly unlikely that nuke war will break out. Maybe Lake Aral will dry out and leak mutated anthrax spores from the bio-warfare station on the island. Honestly I don't believe it.

  13. They did not predict the end of the world as such but the end of thing as we know them.  Astronomers that monitor the sun and "Massive Corona Flairs" have calculated that a high output cycle will occur around 2012.   MCF's are what we more commonly call solar flairs.  They emit a large amount of radiation.  The massive amounts of Electro Magnetic waves are predicted to be so great that they will have the ability to permanently disable communication satellites, ruin electronics(everything from computers to cars, radios, pretty much any thing that has a EPROM chip in it)  They magnetic waves may be so extreme that the will cause anything with a moisture content to heat up as if it were inside a microwave oven.  We humans as well as all animal are mostly water. Consequently people and animal on the sun side of the planet will heat up and burst like a hot dog in a microwave. I ask you now,. are the two prediction just a coincidence of approximate time or did the Mayans know something?  Was their knowledge bases on science, information from ETs or from some spiritual connection to the future?  I don't know but it's interesting to contemplate.

  14. Here's my take on that hogwash:

    The Mayan civilization ended at some point in time:  why it ended and how it ended is unimportant for my point.

    When the civilization decayed, the government services, whatever they were, stopped.  No daily bread, no clean water, no markets, no .... whatever.

    At some point, under such conditions, the guys carving the calendar simply gave up.  They laid down their tools, and walked into the jungle.  Thus we have "the end of the Mayan calender."

    My theory wont sell a lot of books, shortwave radios, flashlights, or waterproof matches.  I'll never be invited to CoasttoCoastAM with George Noory.

    But I'm closer to the truth than any Wingnut.

  15. yea those Mayans know the deal

  16. With Obama being elected.

  17. Well duh! thats when the penguins take over the world, no joke. Check out the conspiracy. Weve been warning you for years!!

  18. I'm not really sure if it will actually happen as predicted, but if it does, I'm completely and utterly excited to see how it goes down.

  19. ZOmg...I'll be 18 in 2012...I think the world will end in another couple millions for now we shall enjoy...sad part is all the kids now will grow up to face huge problems that were caused by the people before them...and it wasnt even their fault..

  20. the dead end

  21. the world will not end

  22. Maybe this will help you:

    Hope you'll notice that SOME people are PLANNING on being alive after this.

    Edit..secretsauce...Won't the Gregorian calendar still be in effect??

  23. The mayan calendar ends 2012.  Its a 26000 year old calendar and it's never had an error.  It predicted every full moon, eclipse....lots of stuff.  Never had an error.

    On that date our sun also lines up with the galaxy...where it was 26000 years ago.  A major cosmic event.

    If you want more info or if you want to talk about 2012 visit


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