
2012! Did you hear about the bold government plan to save us all?

by  |  earlier

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In a super secret meeting the western governments have agreed to force all printers to skip making 2012 calenders. When 2011 ends, we go straight to 2013. PROBLEM SOLVED!!!

The projected price is only a few hundred trillion dollars, or 87 barrels of oil, which ever is worth more by that time.




  1. If i skip 2012 then does that mean i skip an age?!, so from 18 ill go 20 right away and skip my 19th birthday? :))

  2. Great.

    But what age do I put down on my census form in 2013?

    <inquiring minds>

  3. I think we should print calenders with only Saturdays and Sundays so that noone has to work!

  4. ok does anyone even know when the mayans stopped on the calander, for all you know they were still working on it when spain arrived and had to quit because all there people were being killed

  5. the Mayan calendar is not made by printers!



    ...either way, it's not the end of earth and it's existance

  6. The Mormons will survive because God tells us what to do by telling the prophets what we need to do

  7. I am sorry, but your proof?Did they skip all the other apocalypse days?No, so why would 2012 be any different.

  8. no !

    what is it?

    2012 is the end of the mayan calandar though

    but its not the end of the earth

    i dont believe your statement about printers !

    it would be just like y2K

    if people plan ahead and change their own parameters then everything is ok

    unless 2012 is the end of all mortal existence then it wouldnt matter anyway because the sons of God would create a new pardigmn

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