
2012 London Olympic Stadium Design?

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What do you think of the stadium design for the 2012 london olympics??




  1. It doesnt HAVE to be big and spectacular, if you want big and spectacular, watch some hollywood movie with an explosion, or just watch the Dark Night...ANYWAY!...It is plain and simple

  2. Looks like a stadium to me mate. I honestly couldn't give a **** what it looks like. Stadium's a stadium.  

  3. OK...what am I missing. It looks like an ordinary stadium.  

  4. Like the noodle bowl and what about the weather there is sun shine, pollution or rainning !

  5. Wow. I expected sooooo much more. Especially after what China just did. That stadium is extremely lackluster.

  6. it reminds me so much of the Birds Nest but without the aesthetics. I like the simplicity very much though. there's something very nice about the clean curves

  7. Wow, so dull and plain, can Beijing Host again?

  8. Bore.

  9. I am indeed a fan.

  10. I like it. (And everybody else doesn't like it?)

  11. prince edward head with 4 rings over his head

  12. Looks like the Birds nest.

  13. It looks like the Bird's Nest in a way.

  14. Looks just like any other stadium.  Using the name 'Olympic' to hype its status the same way developers selling their properties in Stratford on the back of the name Olympic.

    The GB Olympic Committee will defend its smaller scale operation due to the issue of funding by emphasizing on the spirit of the Olympic.  The same as GB Shaw quipped, "It's me and not my clothes that you invited to dinner."

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