
2012 Olympics? What games should be included?

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Well, the Olympics are coming to Britain in just under 4 years time. What sports that are essentially British should be included?

I think Gurning, Bog Snorkelling and Conkers should definitely be included, can you suggest any more?




  1. Queueing, the ultimate brit sport

  2. Happy slapping,



    Knock door run

    PMSL at Gurning.

  3. Definitely NOT synchronised swimming or tennis!

    Perhaps something involving a maypole??

  4. Arm wrestling  

  5. Kerplunk and hungry hippos

  6. Welly Wanging is another definite. That, and Morris Dancing. The Scots contribution can be Caber Tossing. Egg Rolling needs to be given serious consideration. Sadly, we only get to pick one sport to add to the olympic roster... so perhaps it should be the Extended Duration Stiff Upper Lip- or have we forgotten how to do that one?

    Post Scriptum- is cricket an olympic sport?

    Post Post Scriptum- okay, what about snooker then? or that game we used to play pushing pennies across the wall at school, did you ever do that one? That took serious skill... you had to push the penny so its tip was just at the edge of the wall, then flip it up in the air and catch it... then you had to flick it with your fingers through the opponent's fingers, and they'd be making a goal post or a golf hole or something. Excellent!

  7. obviously darts; and Phil Taylor wins another Gold!!

  8. No swiming should allowed.  No fun on one man show.  Waste too much time and not fair to the other players. Who knows may be he is drugged or genetically modified.  

  9. Binge drinking

  10. i think cricket should also be included in olympics..and maybe bowling..

  11. Dalek Racing  

  12. golf, darts & bowling.  

  13. Fatest Fish & Chips eater.....................

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