Alright i have been informed by a website on Planet X and the threats it can make but im worried so. When Polar shifting happens will the ground split and turn into bunch of pieces?They also say that the Earth will stop turning and there will be large earthquakes like 10.0. Do you think we can survive this?They also say Solar Flares and all that stuff Hurricanes,Earthquakes,Tornadoes,Tsunami... Worse of all in 2013 there will be a large earthquake and then a big tsunami. They say when Planet X passes the Earth there will be distasters. And on 2009 May 15,2009 Planet X will be revealed on the south. Im really scared i haven't been in Tsunamis,Tornados,and Floods. I don't know how it feels. But they say once earth past this event there will be a new enviorment. Can you help me anwser these questions?Thanks.