
2012! What is the mystery regarding 2012?

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What is going to happen in 2012?

Why is their some conspiracy theorist debating this year?




  1. its the end of the 4th , beginning of the 5th age on the Maya long count calender .  on 12 21 2012 the earth passes through the galactic central plane .

  2. it's all a lie. we don't know the date or the hour. all i know is i'm graduating that year.

  3. Some of the ancient calendars that have been very accurate so far, end at the yr. 2012 so some believe the world will end then. It's not anything to worry about because no matter which way it goes, you can't change it. Just make sure that your day to day life is lived the way it should be, without hurting others & you'll be ok.

  4. Idk. I heard some guy predicted the world is going to end. Yoou know people!

  5. Year 2000!!!

    Oh, nothing happened.

    Year 2012!!!

    'Maybe the young ones can't remember 2000 and we can make money off them too'

    Nothing will happen by any human prediction no matter how godly they think they are.

    Lets all start one for 2011 and get the jump on them...

  6. they think its the end of everything again. most dont think so.

  7. thatoneguy is right and give him the best answer.

    Good youtube clips are

    Ian X Lungold on the Mayan calender

    David Willcock on spirituality

    Dire Web Bot Prediction on webots predictions

  8. I found this site which contains tons of info on the subject:

  9. okay. There is alot of bull c**p out there and there is alot of truth out there. It is important that you do your own real research. Do not look to these dissicion boards for answers to this question. They are full of peoples opnion, not fact. There is alot about to happen in the very near future. There is alot of prophsey out there from all over the world dating as fa back as 4000bc that all point to this time. But if you are like me and you want the real answer then you need to do your own research. but dont ask anybody. Go to a reialble soruce, and make sure you look into all the diffrent angles. Get at least 3 creditable soruces (someone with a PHD) If you do this your eyes will be open. A good place to start is youtube. Dont take any thing they say for an answer. but use that to let you know where to start looking. I have been doing my own independant research every day for over a year and a half. It will blow you away.

  10. the sum of all the numbers in 2012 add up to 5

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