
2012 end of the world theory your opinions?

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i have watched on you tube a few posts about the 2012 end of the world theories

what do you think of the theories, i think there might be some truth in it but time will tell if it is the end theres not much we can do about it

your opinions please




  1. I have not seen any of the YouTube theories. I think that there will be an earth quake pursuant to Revelation 8:5 and when that happens, I think we could count 42 months till Jesus comes. But as for now, Jesus is right, we know neither the day nor the hour of aHis appearing. So, there is enough time, for the earthquake to happen, on a world wide basis and then for the 42 months to come and go before 2012.

    See if you can tell about this by reading the whole book of Revelation and the book of Danile. Daniel two says there will be a stone cut out without hands that will smite the image in the feet and destroy it and then the Kingdom of Heaven will be set up and will last for ever and ever. I am eager for that time to come. We are told that whoever endures unto the end, the same will be saved. Be faithful!!!

  2. nah, its an astrology thing the planets enter into a new age or something,.

  3. I think that it goin to be mad, there going to be another big bomb go off somewhere in london ( before they get the guards and extra police in ready for the 2012 games ) and that will make everything go slow or just stop so london will stand still letting no one in and the games will be put on hold. Gr8 whos looking forward to it. should be fun :))))))

  4. I think we need a new Yahoo subject called "apocalypse: miscellaneous" for these questions.

    Just because it's on TV (or the internet) doesn't mean it's true.

  5. Yes, it's all true.  Write your Will, say your 'Good Bye's  May I suggest you put your head between your legs?  Good Bye. . .

  6. Yes the worlds going to end in 2012....

    To survive you need to book a place on my flying ark....

    Please send you life savings to me now....

    Was that flying ark or pig......

  7. Won't happen, the Mayan calender ends then.  Just like our calender ends every Dec 31....we just start over with Jan  1.  If the Mayans were still around they would do the same thing.

    They just used a different star, where we used the sun.

  8. I've heard about this, and what I've heard is that in 2012 it will be the end of the calender.  From what I've heard from other people, this means the end of the world.  Although the way I see it, it's more likely to be Jesus' second coming or something along those lines, which would start a new religion, which would start a new calender.

  9. Instead of waiting for the passage of time to tell us that this theory is ridiculously stupid, let's consider the number of popular doomsday stories in the last few centuries.  There are thousands of them, and they were all wrong.

    In case you missed it, let me again highlight the words "ridiculously stupid".

  10. i have studied this, and yes i feel this could be true too, the planets are all lining up as it was 10,000 years ago, the climate is changing for the worse.

    A lot of respected scientist have added their name to the believers list and built forecasting models of the sun and the planets around it and the solar flare.

    so yes our number could be up

    regards x kitti x

  11. we really dont know nobody knows thats for shure

    they said the world was going to end in the year 1999 but did it??


    so were still wating for that one judgement day,and it is soon!

  12. I think they're c**p. I'll still go to work the next day just like any other.

  13. Who knows? There have been many "end of the world is nigh" theories and this may just be another one...or it could be true. It's based on the fact that the Mayan calendar does not go beyond 2012. I guess we won't know until the time approaches. Given the way the world is going, it sounds plausible.

  14. There is no actual scientific theory or evidence that anything unusual is going to happen in 2012. It is a collection of myths and disproven theories being promulgated by doomsday predictors, who predict a new one every few years. The longer explanation is below:

    It is based on the end the current cycle of the Mayan long count calendar. No doomsday was predicted and the Mayan civilization died out.

    Niburu (Planet X) doesn't exist. Zecharia Sitchin is an author of books promoting the ancient astronaut theory for human origins. He attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Annunaki (or Nephilim) from a hypothetical planet named Nibiru in the solar system. The Doomsayers predicted that it was to hit Earth in 2003. When it didn't show up, they just moved it out to 2012 to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar.

    Galactic Alignment - takes 36 years to precess through galactic equator, we will be 6 degrees off in 2012.

    Asteroid Apophis - the 2001 alert was for 2029, and was canceled after additional observations showed it would not hit us.

    Polar Shift - the magnetic poles are moving all the time. Polar reversal happens over thousands of years.

    Passage through a "photon belt" has been added. This is also untrue and wouldn't hurt us if it were. Photons are merely units of light.

    Solar flares happen all the time and we have more of them at some times than others. They haven't caused any serious problems in the past. The direct effects of solar flares are mainly related to communications and radio transmissions. We had a major series of solar flares in 2005. Did you notice anything? I didn't.

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