
2012 in your opinion?

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Do you think we are coming to an end?




  1. **** no.

    the world wont end until forever and a day =]

    dont worry.

    and i swear if it ends my graduation year, ill throw down.

  2. yep just like it ended in 2000 wow we r dead and we all r living in h**l now they say h**l is hot well thank goodness im cool and not a hothead but if u want to know when read revelations we r in the last chapter of the bible cause of this we r doomed for the promise land and if u think its going to b 2012 i hope i would live till 2046 or so cause i missed the last haleys comet

  3. no! its not going to happen! My mom told me that they told us the world was supposed to end some year that already happened...did the world end? were going to make it through, were not going to end. hope guys, its what the world needs the most.

  4. No, The people who made the calednder just got tired of making it and figured someone in the future would. You can expect them to work their asses off forever.

  5. Nope!

  6. No, I think that whole end of the world thing is a bunch of bull.

  7. BS

    plenty of myths from the mayans never came true

    that stuf on history chanell is jus entertainment

    it culd end in 2012

    but its up to ppl

    and if let our greed and money lead us rather than our ethics books and music culture and science, everything that makes us human then we will live forever

  8. Naw.

  9. Once, my great uncle thought the world was going to end. He sold all of his material possessions and gave away all his money. The the world didn't end, and he was S.O.L.

    So, no I don't think the world is going to end.

  10. It's certainly possible.  Perhaps no more possible than any other year but hey there are a lot of people throughout history that have predicted the same exact date and you don't see that very often...

  11. Can't be, cause that's the year before I graduate, and if we end there... Well, it won't be pretty... >:(

  12. No. many people have given an exact date that the world would end. They would stand on a hill all day, but nothing would happen.

  13. I really wouldnt know but I do feel its coming. But only the Good Lord knows for sure. So we must live our lives like its our last day in this world.

  14. it is possible

    we neither know the date nor the time only He knows

    any day has the same chance as the next

    probably the similar predictions were just a rare coincidence and nothing more

    perhaps they were just based on a similar theory/method

    we don't know and that is the joy of it

    we just have to wait until 12-21-2012 and find out

    if nothing happens well nothing happens it was just pure rare and weird coincidence

    people have been constantly predicting the end of times

    some said 18-something and others 2000 and NOTHING HAPPENED

    now where is the fun in mere mortals predicting the time to end all times....there is none

    I don't think God or any other deity will grant humans that gift that power..... it is solely reserved for Him/ god would do would just weaken their grasp on humanity

    now another thing about this prophecy is that some cultures  foresaw that time would go on....this date was merely the end of one cycle on their calendar....just like winter solstice brings about the end of year, the date 12-21-2012 brings about the end of their one of their "calendars" if that makes sense

    so worry about far no one has successfully predicted the date when end of time finally begins that power is only reserved for God.

    so enjoy life and worry about more realistic threats to humanity (i.e. Adophis in 2029 and 2036, global warming , etc.)

  15. in my opinion:  the world is going to change...  not end.  but we wont know until the day come we can know.
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