
2012 is it a hoax???

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you know i'm not sure about the whole end of the world thing

yes i know the mayan calendar and our calendar is the same but there is something that i figured out

there is something different in out calendars and that is

leap year

so 2008 years so far in the mayan calender but if we took the days we spent with our leap years that is 502 more days

so that would put us at december 14, 2009 in the mayans time if we are following them to our deaths

also how can we know that the person looking at the calendar go it wrong we never know that

and why would they try to cause a world wide panic by releasing news about everybody's fate in 2012

to me i think they know whats coming and they already know how to stop it

so like i said i think its a bunch of bull

please leave me what you think about it




  1. Book of Revelation 8:8

  2. i believe this is a total hoax

    the world was supposed to end a few years back but were still here right?

    so yer im pretty sure we will still be here in 2012

  3. people have been predicting that the world would end all thorough hystory and it hasn't. i dont think it will at all

  4. im having mixed feelings i have read articles about it happening and why its not and ims till undecided...i do not belive thats when jesus christ is coming blah blha...i think thats bull...lets just hope w.e happens doesnt trigger a nuclear war...thats my fear lol

  5. My science teacher said the person making the calender at the time probably died. Scientists said that we'd have a close encounter with a meteor or comet or asteroid (i forget which one it is) in 2036. The world will end when it ends and people should quit stressing about it. And I don't think they know how to stop the end of the world because even if they did, you would still die.  

  6. I don't think the world will end in 2012.

    Yeah there's always someone out there predicting the end of the world and there always will be.

    Predicting the end of the world scares people easily and that makes those giving the prediction feel powerful, that's why people release their predictions.

    The impressionable/bored/confused/normal yet tricked people who believe them sometimes want to have a bit of excitement in their lives, therefore they embrace the theory that the world will end soon... there's so many reasons why end of day predictions are released and then generate a following.

    Also, the Mayan calendar took account for leap years

    "The third count in the Maya inscriptions is the Secondary Series which seems to have been a calendar-correction formula, somewhat like our leap-year correction."(*1*)

    There have been many interpretations of the Mayan Calendar end date so we don't know for sure if the 2012 end date is right.

    The Mayan Calendar ending isn't all about the end of the world though. All the theories about the ascension of conscience are out there. To some 2012, Dec 12 is supposed to be a positive day for people and bring changes for the better. To some the date foreshadows their lives as the day we all die...

    Who do you mean, they, when you say, "i think they know whats coming and they already know how to stop it". There's alot that is hidden from people, you never know, maybe you're right.

    Well anyway, check this out..

    It goes over some of the predictions for the end of the world that never came to be from 44B.C. to 2008, then there's some that are yet to be proven...false.

  7. I don't think anyone except the mentally ill take this seriously.

    Actually I suspect the whole 2012 thing is a sort of mass farce - it's all social comedy aimed at the 2000 doomsdays that never came.

    2012 is just our opportunity to laugh at how stupid the whole Y2K thing was by having a big MOCK End-Of-The-World hysteria.

    Know what I mean? Nobody really believes it, they're just all pretending to believe it because the pretend mass hysteria is funny.

    Get it?

  8. Pretty much everything the girl in this video says:

  9. What would be the purpose of 2012 as a hoax, what is there to gain? It can't be stopped, ITS IMPOSSIBLE, no technology, no government will be able to stop it. Our calendar is not even close to being the same as the Mayan calendar, the mayan calendar was much more complex, and no the person making the calendar did not die. Their calendar runs off cycles, and when it reaches the end, it starts on a new cycle. The end of a cycle of their Long Count Calendar is an imporatant day in astronomy. Astronomers now know that Dec 21, 2012 is precession of the Equinoxes, it happens every 26,000 years and is said to happen slowly by current day scienetists, and a quick change as believed by many ancient civilizations, including the mayans. Who is right and who is wrong will determine whether the day is importaant or not, one understanding will cripple us, the other will be just another day.

    I have looked into it extensively, have studied it for the last 4 months and I believe it will happen, but I have my own complex beliefs as to why it will happen. People will believe what they want, some people dont even bother researching it themselves before making a decision, which I would say is a big mistake, but afterall if what the mayans said were true, then not everybody can be saved anyways, and only those who believe and are able to decipher the past will have a CHANCE at surviving, all others will parish.

    Nobody knows if it will happen for sure or not, NOBODY, not even scientists. Science is just an educated guess, and that is assuming we know ALL there is to know of the universe and the way it works.

    An idea can be made simple or complex depending on how you want to approach it. Simple things can be complex, and complex things can be simple. Its a level of understanding things logically in quantum perspective that can give people an insight into the possibilities of its real meaning and imporatance. Consider the dinosaurs went extinct from a natural phenomena, and caused evolution. This is the way space works, if we believe weare the center of all that has ever existed, then sure, maybe the day isnt important, but if you consider us just another species among many in the past, then its not crazy to say that its possible for mass catastrophic change to happen in the next few years. Ever consider the real reason behind global warming?

  10. The End will come eventually. Lets just live life to the fullest while we still can.
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