
2012 .......................?

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I would love more information about it all..





  1. Here you go.

    This is probably the best article I've found on it.  Be sure to read Part 2 as well. Very Interesting!!

    Joe Pardy: Thanks for the info and Links

  2. It starts at one second after midnight, just after December 31, 2011, and extends all thew way until midnight on December 31, 2012.  A full year

    Ohhhh . . . I'll bet you meant all of this scary stuff about the world going to end . . . .

    Thats based on the Mayan calendar, which LEGEND has it that it will rest itself on December 21, 2012.  The legend part is that the world will be destroyed and rebuilt on that date.  

    Supposedly, this has happened before, like 5000 yeas ago.  If that were the case, how did people like the Egyptians get by, especially those who lived in 4000 BC? That was 6000 YEARS ago!  What about cavemen, and dinosaurs??

    There is NO PROOF that the Mayan Calendar thing is any more than stories designed to scare little children.

    Complicating this story is the fact that Decembver 21, 2012 is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year.  Tos epoeple who are Pagan think that if they don;t dance and pray on that date, that the sun will never come back, and that there will be eternal winter.

    So how many time has the sun not come back from the Winter Solstice?

    Yes, the world WILL end someday.  But NO ONE knows how.  Scientists think that someday the sun will explode and destrroy the earth, but that day isn't due for another 4 or 5 BILLION years.

    Some scientists say that a giant asteroid or comet is going to hit the earth, but they can't find it.  Some say that there will be a terrible war, but we always seem to talk things out before that happens.

    So sleep tight. You have nothing to worry about.

  3. Richard Shafsky, a man counseled by a Maya shaman priest, was told the Mayan Calendars were created using information about the cosmos, that is stored in some ancient Crystal Skulls.  He added, this information may be useful in assisting humanity in preparation for the difficult times ahead and for the coming New Age.

    I've heard that the true ancient Crystal Skull's can not be duplicated even with today's highest technology. This anomaly points to the existence of highly advanced beings from a time before the Great Maya Civilization. The skulls seem to be a type of Time Capsule / Computer / Data Base (mass information stored in quartz crystal).

    The Crystal Skulls

    The Mayan Crystal Skulls: An interview with Richard Shafsky (part 1 of 12)

    The Mayan Calendars end at the completion of their cycle; much like our calendar ends at the end of the solar year cycle. The ancient Maya were master astronomers, mathematicians as well as master time keepers. Those things which they predicted and their time has come to pass (black holes, eclipses, etc.) have been surprisingly right on. Their "Long Count" calendar was discovered in use by an earlier civilization called the Olmecs. The source of their knowledge of the cosmos is unknown, but thought to be "not of this world". There is no "End of the World" Maya prophecy; Rather, they predict an "End of the World as we know it". Great changes are expected to happen, including more natural disasters followed by a change in consciousness and a time of peace.


    Here is a summary of my research into the Mayan Calendars and their predictions for the time leading to Dec. 21, 2012.


    The following cycles are most relevant to what may occur in 2012. There is the 25,625 year "Galactic Day" and the 5,125 year "Long Count"(Great Cycle). Both of these are set to END and RESTART on the Winter Solstice of 2012 (11:00 UST Dec. 21, 2012):

    Let's start with the "Galactic Day". As we travel around the Milky Way galaxy, it is my understanding that we do not remain at a constant distance nor at the same orientation in relation to the black hole at its center;  a black hole the Maya refer to as the supreme creator, "HUNAB KU". Instead, we move closer and further from this black hole.  As we move in closer, we simultaneously become aligned  with the Milky Way's equator or "The Tree of Life" as the Maya call it.  Upon doing so, we may become exposed to "HUNAB KU's" opposing magnetic forces which would cause our Sun to eject intense solar flares and Earth to experience a magnetic pole reversal (Pole Shift).  In the years that we have been furthest away from ,"HUNAB KU", we have been dense low vibrating energy and have been experiencing our dark spiritual years: These years have been part of the "Galactic Night".  As we move closer, we become higher vibrating energy and spiritually enlightened beings: These years pertain to the "Galactic Day". We are currently in transition from Night to Day. The complete cycle takes 25,625 years; approximately the same as what modern science has calculated and named "The Precession Of The Equinox Cycle".

    Mayan Prophecy 2012: Entering Our Galactic Day

    The Precession Of The Equinox Explanation (Galactic Day)

    The "Long Count" evenly divides the "Galactic Day" into five equal parts (25,625 years / 5 = 5,125 years). It is my understanding that this cycle also coincides with a natural rhythmic beat that is derived from the black hole at the center of the galaxy in the form of an energy pulse. This energy pulse presumably has multiple effects on us and our surroundings. It not only helps us to become enlightened beings for twenty years, but can reek havoc on Earth by creating larger solar flares which can bring drought, famine, earthquakes, volcanic activity, and tsunamis. Twenty years prior to this event, in a period the Maya refer to as "The Time of No-Time",  mild energy spurts, from "HUNAB KU",  create a shift in consciousness; from left-brain thinking to right-brain thinking (from logical to intuitive). This shift can be experienced all at once or gradually at first moving exponentially as we approach the end of the cycle.

    Mayan Long Count (Great Cycle)

    Long Count Calendar (The  Aztec Calendar Stone / Mayan Sunstone)

    There is one more Mayan Calendar I could share with you called "The Nine Underworlds". It is one of the more recently rediscovered calendars and may be the most important one, in so far as the 2012 prophecies are concerned.  It is a calendar that has recorded the state of consciousness from the beginning of time (The Big Bang) to Dec. 21, 2012.  At which time, we will have supposedly consciously evolved to completeness to become co-creators with "HUNAB-KU":  It maps out "creation" if you will.   Humans will be exposed to a cosmic energy that will facilitate enlightenment. In this state of higher consciousness, we will recognize that all matter, plant, animal, mineral are bound as one. This realization will mark the end of wars.

    The Nine Underworlds of Creation

    Secrets of the Mayan Calendar Unveiled (part 1 of 3)

    Additional Sources

    "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness" by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D.

    "Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our time : The Mayan Calendar"

    by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D.

  4. I hate to break this but the mayan calendar doesn't end on December 21, 2012.

    Many believe that the Maya civilization's Long Count calendar ends abruptly on December 21, 2012. This misconception is due to the Maya practice of using only five places in Long Count Calendar inscriptions. On some monuments the Maya calculated dates far into the past and future but there is no end of the world date. There will be a Piktun ending (a cycle of 13 144,000 day Bak'tuns) on December 21st, 2012. A Piktun marks the end of a 1,872,000 day or approximately 5125 year period and is a significant event in the Maya calendar.

  5. Causality.

    Look it up.

    A funny word meaning, basically... If A, then B.

    "Red Sky in Morning, Sailor take Warning." is a good example of a false causality.  The bad weather coming was predicted, but not caused by the red sky.  The bad weather was due to a storm front over the horizon.

    Somehow we have been exposed to false causalities regarding 2012.

    "The calendar ends, therefore the world ends." is a ludicrous conclusion, you must admit, yet many people profess to believe it.

    "I saw a light in the sky, therefore is must be an alien race bent upon world domination by replacing all our politicians with lizards..."

    This is SO far gone, it cannot even be defended.  There is only one way to skip from UFO ----------------> Green Man From Mars.... and that's HOLLYWOOD.  Michael Rennie was there in silver underwear and he made the Earth stand still, IN A MOVIE.

    Get a grip on reality, people!

    Do you know how many deaths occur each year from not wearing your seatbelt?  Neither do I, but I bet its lots!  Wear your seatbelt and forget about 2012, Mayans, Aliens and  d**k Cheney.

    (okay, that last one's real, but I have reliable information from a source close to him that his pacemaker's warranty just expired)

  6. You see, there really is no information.  It seems that its all based on a calendar thing.  People make calendar systems which they attempt to coincide with astronomy but astronomy does not easily conform to our attempts to regularize it.  It's like 7 days in a week or 12 months in a year.  It really doesn't work out so we invent things like leap year.  2012 represents a natural cycle which does not correspond with our calendar system.  The universe doesn't conform to our expectations but it hardly represents any real impending tragedy.  The end of the world has been forecast so many times that it's ridiculous.  

  7. Ever since the 6/6/6 (June 6, 2006) End of the World scenario did not pan out, the scare mongers have been touting the 2012 End of the World scenario. When 2012 does not happen either, I am sure they will think of something else.

    "But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come." (Mark 13:32-33)

    Jesus told us in no uncertain terms that we were not to know when the end of the world would come but that we were always to be ready.

    Each new Christian denomination seems to worry about the end of the world a bit too much. Then after a couple of centuries, they realize that there are always wars and rumors of wars, etc.

    I won't even mention the hundreds of false predictions of the end of the world over the centuries, all of which were based on individual interpretations of biblical prophecies.

    The early Christian Church thought that Jesus was going to return at any moment. Only after a couple of centuries did the Church realize that it may be 2,000 or 4,000 or 8,000 years before Jesus returns.

    The Catholic Church wisely follows Jesus' advice and teaches that each of us should live as if we will meet our maker in the next ten minutes and that we need to work to make the world a better place for our 100 X great-grandchildren.

    Do not worry about the end of the world. Trust God to make sure everthing happens to plan. Just be ready to meet God at any time.

    For more information, about what Catholics believe about the end of the world, see:

    With love in Christ.

  8. By early in July 2008 questions about 2012 had been asked more than 10,000 times.  I have given a version of this answer more than 140 times.  See also -

    This stuff is all lies and fraud to get people buying faked up books, videos, watching nonsense shows on TV and directing traffic to fraudulent websites.

    Pole shifts - no, not a chance.  The Earth’s axis of rotation is stabilised by the Moon’s gravity.  

    Magnetic poles flip - no, they will just keep moving as usual.  They are likely to change ends at some time in the geologically near future but it will take hundreds to thousands of years to happen.  Meanwhile, the magnetic field will not disappear, but it will probably get more complex.  

    Mayan calendar - one of their calendars ends in 2012. There is no prediction attached to this and even if there was, it would be astrology and that has been disproved so many times that it's not worth any more words.

    Solar maximum - expected in 2011, not 2012 and it happens every 11 years anyway.

    Predicted planetary “alignments” are completely false.  The positions of the planets will be about as far from an "alignment" as you can imagine.  The next "alignment" of the major planets is expected sometime after the Sun burns out.  Even if it did happen the question would arise "So what?"  Where is the physical connection between Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn etc?  

    Gravity?  Like to calculate how strong the gravitational effects of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn is on Earth?  Multiply the masses of the planets together, divide by the square of the distance between them and then multiply by the gravitational constant, which is a rather small number.  Now add them all together and you still don't have a hill of beans.

    Newton knew how more than 200 years ago, but our planetary alignment freaks never care to because the result would make them look as silly as they are.  

    Venus will transit the Sun in June 2012, just as it did in 2004 and on a regular roughly 110 year cycle before that.  No noticeable effect then except on astronomers, some of whom will take measurements, no expected effect this next time.

    Planet X / black hole / brown dwarf / wandering planet - No.  It was predicted for 2003 by a loony woman who claimed telepathic contact with aliens.  No sign of it then and still no sign of it.  If this big nasty exists it must be quite close by now and visible with a fairly ordinary astronomical telescope.  Where is it?  The assumption that it can only be seen from the southern hemisphere and therefore astronomers don’t see it is nonsense, there are many large optical and some radio astronomical telescopes in Chile and Australia.

    Nibiru was originally a separate scare and depends on some faked-up scholarship by a fraud called Z. Sitchin.  He claimed to be able to read cuneiform, a script used by Assyrians, Babylonians and Sumerians among others.  He could not but others can.  He claimed that some old Babylonian texts talked of a planet with a 3600 year orbit that passed close to Earth.  This planet was inhabited by aliens who landed on Earth to enslave people into producing gold for them.

    In fact Nibiru is an old Mesopotamian name for the planet Jupiter, which will be staying right in its accustomed orbit, thank you very much.  Sitchin disagreed with the "Planet X" loony.  

    25,800 year cycles.  This is called "precession of the equinoxes" and was discovered a bit more than 2100 years ago. It has been happening since the Earth formed billions of years ago and will not stop, start or change direction in 2012.    There is no particular significance in the direction the poles of rotation happen to be pointing at present or in 2012.  

    The Bible codes were disproved within months of the first book coming out, similar coded messages can be found in any random book or even newspapers using the same "anything goes" methods faked up by the author, Michael Drosnin.  He used the codes to predict a nuclear war starting in 1997.  Ooops.  

    Revelation - nobody ever made sense of those febrile maunderings, the evidence for that is that there are so many different interpretations.  It has been used to predict the end on dozens of dates from the year 500AD right up to April 2008.

    Nostradamus never predicted anything accurately and he may not have intended to.  Many editions of his quatrains contain faked verses inserted long after he died.

    Galactic central plane - we are near it, so astronomers say, but we have always been near it, though nobody actually knows exactly where it is.  No exact "alignment" is possible because of the angle of the ecliptic to that of the galactic central plane.  A rough “alignment” of Sun, Earth and the galactic centre happens twice every year and nothing happens.  Even if there was an exact “alignment”, the question would be "So what?"

    Photon belt - this one is almost the silliest of the lot.  The Earth was expected to enter this region in 1997 with remarkable effects.  Ooops.  The “photon belt” is also said to be around the "7 Sisters".  Our solar system is heading away from them, not towards them.  It does not exist anyway.

    This is all fake scholarship, pseudo-science, lies, superstition and abject delusion.

  9. Ok 2012 december 21 world ends. What were you looking for in this question thats the first thing i thought of. and the end of world thing should happen because the mayans said so.

  10. 2012 is just the revealing of the 'antichrist' or the 'man of lawlessness' at the middle of what Jews and Christians call the 7 year Tribulation. Satanists and many pagan cultures from every corner of the world all throughout history have celebrated this like  the Sumerians, Babylonians, Cherokee, Hopi, Chinese I-Ching (confirmed by Terence McKenna), Mayans (Pacal Votan), Egyptians, Celts, etc. This evil event is called "the abomination that causes desolation" that will be set up in the Jewish Temple’s Holy of Holies when the antichrist is imbued with the power of satan himself. When will Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (Jesus) come? Only God Himself knows, but very soon. If you believe or not, that is up to you; either way it still comes.

    Things to look for to PROVE it to yourself soon:

    >Crash of American banks and its financial underpinning: Operation Sitting Duck

    >Fall of America as an economic power and other ways.

    >The Big One: Revelation 18. America goes down on the list of fabled societies nobody believes in any more like Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, Hyperborea, etc..

    >Martial law. (Google some of Bush's executive orders concerning it- Nightmarish!)

    >Implementation of Project Bluebeam (be ready to hear more and more 'alien talk'... watch your local skies for the show!) Google and youtube it. Aliens... aliens... aliens...

    >Revelation 13-16-18  Trying to make people first accept the REAL ID card (to get you in the system) and then right after forcibly implanting people with these RFID microchips:

    >The start of the North American Union.

    >Push to attack Iran which will start WW3-the atomic war to end all wars. (If you think China, Russia, and the Muslim world would just sit back, you are a mistaken fool!)

    >Final push to one world government: The New World Order- The 4th Reich!

    (The brutal final empire foreseen by Daniel and John)

    >Rise of a miraculous and awe inspiring world leader later to turn world dictator.

    >Push to one world religion where there are "manys ways to God".

    >Toleration of everything but Jews and Christians.

    >Temporary and unheard of "peace in the middle east".


    >More world wide food shortages and famines.

    >More earth quakes. More fires. Strange and severe weather.

    >Major spiritual awakenings.

    >Rise of Islamic fanaticism.

    >Rise in wickedness and corruption.

    >Listen to the wisdom of this young child:


    Christians and Messianic Jews look forward to this as it means they will soon join their Messianic Saviour in the Millennial Kingdom of the next Age and their Heavenly Father later as "Children of Light". If you try to equate 2012 with Y2K or some other date that cried wolf, then you will be making the worst mistake in your life. Research all these things FOR YOURSELF!

  11. With all the media from all types of sources that is out there,ONE CAN PICK AND CHOOSE what you want to believe. (answerer joe Pardy has a lot of great info, if you want to look it up). But then again you have cases of people that refuse to believe the world is going through a transition and this is just another Y2k false alarm.

    However, I do think the word is changing, too many wars, too much pollution, too many drastic changes in the earths climate and natural disasters, etc, too many people going hungry while a small group gets richer. THis is plain ovbious, or do people think all of these together are plain coincidence?

    To tell you the thruth I am not sure if the world will end in 2012. But I am 100% sure that if we as human beings continue behaving the way we do, we keep growing as a population and not taking care of the consequences of our behavior; then yes, at some point we will diminish all of the earth's resources, so much so that we would not be able to provide enough food for the huge (and still growing population), polluting and not replacing fixing what we take/damage, etc. the results WILL be devasting for many if not all of us.

    see my question;;...

  12. There really isn't much to say. The abysmal programming decisions of the History Channel are responsible for this most recent doomsday myth.  Since then, every apocalyptic nut or person who likes to scare people, has piggybacked his/her pet claims on the original documentary.

    The documentary said the Mayans predicted the end of the world for 2012. First of all, they did not.  Secondly, who cares if they did?  They had no ability to make that kind of prediction.  I have seen some of the other prophecies which people claim confirm this non-prediction.  They are also bunk. Nostradamus, some ancient Chinese prophet -- all of them, baloney.  Doom interpreters make up anything they want in order to give the appearance that someone actually predicted dire things for that year.

    All of the astronomical claims I have seen, especially those in the History Channel documentary, are completely bogus.  And most of these are things we DO know, for a fact.  The original, and most popular claim made in the documentary, is that there will be an alignment of the sun with the center of the galaxy on that date. Horse-feathers!  The apparent path of the sun crosses the galactic equator *every* year on December 21, missing the purported alignment by about 6 degrees. 2012 will be no different.  Again, there is no reason whatsoever to believe that this could cause any adverse effects, even if an alignment *did* occur.

    All this stuff about Planet X or Nibiru is also a lot of hot air, too. Some people just don't seem to have anything better to do but make up ridiculous tales of doom.  But hey, for some of them, it pays. The popular media have virtually NO scruples regarding this sort of stuff.

  13. The year 2012 is rumored to be the end of the world.  But do not worry.  Do not be scared.  I assure you that the world will not end on 2012 December 21 but it will end one day.  Remember that if there is a beginning, there is an end.  

    I would like to share with you briefly about the Mayan calendar and Nostradamus’ prediction of the end of the world.  I also would like to share with you what certainly will happen very soon as told to us by the Holy Spirit.  After this certain event happened, there will be a spiritual awakening of people and earth’s inhabitants will experience peace for a long time.

    Nostradamus and the book of Revelation

    Nostradamus’ prophecy of when the world will end is far into the future, past about AD 3700.  This is in agreement with what I heard and learned from the Holy Spirit—that there will only be about 144,000 around AD 2200, peace reigns for a thousand years while the Devil, or Satan, is chained up and locked up in the abyss till around AD 3200 (Revelation 20:1-7), and then Satan will be let loose from his prison to deceive the descendants of the elect for about 500 years (Revelation 20:7-10).  After that, the end will come (Revelation 21:1).

    Mayan calendar

    The Mayan’s Mesoamerican Long Count calendar forms the basis for a New Age belief, first forecast by Jose Arguelles, that a cataclysm will take place on or about 2012 December 21 (Wikipedia).  Mainstream Mayan scholars consider “cataclysm” or “apocalypse” as a misinterpretation for to the Mayan scribes, it literally means uncovering or revealing.

    The Long Count has 360 days in a year called “Tun”.  A “Tun” has 18 months or “unials” and each “unial” has 20 days.  Twenty (20) Tuns is a Katun and 20 Katuns is a Baktun (144,000 days or about 400 solar years).  Thirteen (13) Baktuns is a “Great Cycle” of 1,872,000 days (5,200 Tuns or about 5,125 solar years).  The Great Cycle in the proleptic Gregorian calendar started on 3114 BC August 11 (day and ends on 2012 December 21 (day – winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.  The Great Cycle restarts the next day (day  The representation of the Great Cycle of the Mayan Long Count calendar is as follows: (13 Baktuns.20 Katuns.20 Tuns.18 Uinals.20 days).

    A thousand years of peace

    In Revelation 20:2-7 of the Holy Bible, it tells us about a period of a thousand years of peace. Has this occurred already since the time of Jesus?  Not yet. That will still come. Those that give predictions of the world’s end, such as 2012 and numerous times during the past, are pseudo-preachers. Have they talked to God directly? If so, give proofs.

    Inevitable physical death

    But there is something that will certainly happen—and that is our physical death. This is what we should prepare for. It may come when least expected. We do not know the day and the hour. It will come like a thief in the night. So we just have to be prepared all the time. Search for the true God and when we find Him, follow His commandments and remain in Him until our last dying breath.

    Survival kit – faith in the true God

    This is all that we have to do. It is faith in the true God that we can take with us when we depart from this world. If we denied Him, He will deny us also before the Father in Heaven and send us to h**l. This is very scary – to live in h**l forever.  If we knew Him and loved Him and followed His commandments, then He may reward us to live with Him eternally in His kingdom in Heaven. This is the survival kit that we should have.

    2012 is 20 + 12 = 32, age of Jesus when crucified

    Did you know that in his/her boredom, “Thanks for reading this” theorized in Yahoo Answers, Religion & Spirituality section, that 2012 could be 20 + 12 = 32, the approximate age of Jesus when He was crucified and died?  I answered that he/she is correct in his/her theory.  When Jesus died, He was actually 32 solar years old, equivalent to 33 lunar years.  This is found in the results of a study that I did to check if what the Holy Spirit said regarding the crucifixion of Jesus on August 17 is correct or not.  Details are in  Is this a sign that God is warning us of the impending calamity around 2012, like the end of the Mayan’s calendar cycle?  But I repeat, 2012 is not the end of the world yet.

    The 144,000 marked good people

    The Holy Spirit also told us that beings from another planet will take only the marked good people out of this world.  I asked Him if it’s a million.  He said much less than that.  Then I asked if the number is the one mentioned in Revelation and He affirmed it.  A few weeks ago this year, 2008, as I was reading Revelation, I came across Revelation 14:3 to wit (King James Version):  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœAnd they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.”  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœRedeemed from the earth” means saved from the earth.  And there were 144,000 of them.  This must be what the Holy Spirit was referring to several years ago.  

    Advice of the Holy Spirit

    His advice to all: leave their wicked way of life and change their way of thinking.  We should come back to the true God before it’s too late.  (I read in Isaiah 55:7 this message, to wit (KJV): “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”)  Be good then so that we may be considered to be among the 144,000 who will be saved, and later will restart and repopulate this world.  The Holy Spirit told us to tell people about this prophecy even though they accuse us as being out of our minds, crazy or lunatics.  He assured us that this will happen, similar to Noah’s prophecy of the Great Flood which took a hundred years before it was fulfilled.  The ark was the vessel used to save Noah and his family and the animals.  This time, another kind of vessel will be used to save the elect.


    World War III to start at Spratly Islands

    What is also certain to happen very soon (in about 2012 or earlier) is World War III and this is a nuclear war.  This “calamitous war” (as Nostradamus called it) will start from the Philippines, at Spratly Islands in particular.  The Spratly Islands lie on the southeast part of the South China Sea mostly near the coast of the Philippines.  The Holy Spirit told us that the Philippines is the wick of a gas lamp.  Once the wick is lit, it will be on and aglow.  He told us about this prophecy about two decades ago.  He said that the troubles in the Philippines will spread to the whole world until mankind is almost annihilated and a few will remain.  Spratly Islands are being claimed wholly by China, Taiwan and Vietnam; and partly by Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines.  The area is considered a tinderbox, a flash point.  It is very rich in oil and gas resources, estimated to be more than the reserve of Kuwait.  The high price of oil may trigger the grabbing of these islands and start the war.

    Certainty of WW III

    Four independent prophecies point to the certainty that this will happen.  These are Nostradamus’ prophecies to happen around this time (quatrains 6:24 and 2:62) , the 56th Chinese prophecy of Tui Bei Tu (the past 55 prophecies have already been fulfilled) found at and Wikipedia, Revelation 9:18 of the Holy Bible, and those that the Holy Spirit revealed to us.  If you are interested in the details about these prophecies, please send me your request via email.

    Spiritual awakening after the war

    After the calamitous war, we will have a new age, a spiritual awakening or enlightenment, and peace will reign for a long time in this world.  The population would have been reduced by a third and there will be much arable land that will be available.  People will be living in planned cities and communities.  Would you like to live in a city where the land is free and you are guaranteed possession of the land for 50 years, renewable, and which you can bequeath to an heir?

    Come back to the true God now

    The Holy Spirit has given His prophecies and these are what will happen.  Be rest assured then that the world will not end yet.  But please, heed what He advises us to do—to change our wicked way of life and change our wrong beliefs.  Come back to the true God now before it’s too late.  There a lot of lessons to study.

    The decision to believe rests upon you

    I am just sharing with you what I heard and learned from the Holy Spirit.  The decision to believe Him or not depends upon yourself.  I am not forcing anyone to believe in what I share.  It is not my responsibility to save you or anyone, but the person’s.  He is the engineer of the house that he is building.

    Reassurance of the true God that He will save us

    Isaiah 35:4 (KJV) states: “Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you.”

  14. Please; save us some time.

  15. What exactly would you like to know?

    If you are talking about the myths of our impending doom - they are nonsense. Nothing spectacular will happen in 2012 (unless you count the Olympics in London).

    It is just a myth which mysteriously propagates (mostly because of the History Channel and YouTube)

    The Mayan culture/society/way of life is long since dead

    Therefore as an end to "the world" 2012 was a wildly optimistic estimate for them!

    And anyway – that is the wrong interpretation of the whole calander thing – it’s just the end of a cycle. And since calendars are based on astronomical motions of one kind or another, they are inherently cyclic. Our western calendar ends on December 31st every year!

    Planet X/Nibiru does not exist. If it did we would have found it by now. We have mapped the sky in the infrared several times in the last 25 years (including WMAP, IRAS etc), and it would show up. It is not there. We would have found it if it existed. So all the nonsense about the return of Nibiru/Planet X is just that – nonsense

    There is no scientific evidence for the existence of Nibiru

    Furthermore, at the distance it must be to hit us in a little over 4 years, it would be reflecting enough light from the sun to be detectable.

    Thanx to previous question from Brant and answer from bikenbeer2000, we know how bright it should be by now – it would have a apparent magnitude of 7.4 – which would not be visible with the naked eye – but easily visible in a modest telescope and would have been spotted by amateur. If there was a conspiracy to keep it quiet – it would be out of the bag by now.

    Ask someone where it is supposed to be, get a pair of binoculars and look for it.

    The videos on YouTube that purport to have evidence are disingenuous to say the least. They put together pictures of other objects (e.g. Jupiter, comets even a dust shell around a distant red giant star) and try to scare people. There is no validity to their claims. They present NO EVIDENCE at all.

    As for the predicted catastrophes – the most popular one seems to be the Pole Shift!

    The sun will have a pole reversal that year – it has one every 11 years – it is not a problem.

    The earth’s magnetic field is less predictable –

    but is still nothing to worry about: we know that the magnetic field does not collapse in the process of reversing polarity- if it did, there would be major extinctions that correlate with the geologic record for pole reversals - there is no correlation.

  16. Here is my reponse to two different posts, some of the information overlaps, but the main points are all there.

    The Mayan Calenday does not end, unlike our own calendar, the ancient civilizations of the past had an accurate measure of time and space, and their calendars follows astronomical events. Their calendar is cyclical, it runs in cycles, so it doesnt ever edit simply starts a new cycle, unlike our own which is linear. The end of their long cou the calendar stops on Dec 21. 2012, this is the end of the age, the exact day that precession completes its 26,000 year cycle. Also the Mayans nor anyother civilization that predicted change on dec 21, 2012, said that the "world will end", the world(earth) wont end for billions of years. However, is that to say that the "world as we know it" will not end, well if you consider that the world as we know it is our physical acceptance of mother earth, the civiliations that occupy it everything that is when you look around, then it will be the end. To make things clear, the Earth will not end, but humanity will be devastated, and mass extinctions will take place. Why you ask, well read this.

    For ancient civilizations like the Mayan, Aztec, Inca, Olmec, I Ching, Egyptian and many others, this is the day that precession of the equinoxes completes one cycle that takes 26,000 years, this is considered to be fact by even astronomers today. There is importance tied to the rare galactic alignment that is supposed to transcend humanity into the next level of consciousness needed for human evolution physcially and most of all "spiritually". You see, everything that exists is made up of energy, ancient cultrues knew this and so they tied great importance to their calendars which they spent thousands and thousands of years perfecting so that the future of humanity would be aware of the repeating cycles of earth and hopefully carry on human evolution into the 4th and 5th dimension, where humans realize the importance of the universe as a whole and their role in the greater meaning of life and existence on a level that involves the exchange of energy frequencies. These ancient civilizations are said to have collected their knowledge from cultures that were much more evolved spiritually and in harmony with nature as the universe had intended it to be from the very moment of creation. There is so much history that cant be explained by modern day scientists, how was it that there "primitive" civilizations built a network of pyramids to track the stars and constellations, how is it possible that they were able to build such complex buliding structures that had the important of galactic alignments embedded into the very structure and location of these buildings. In my opinion from what I have researched and read, the story of Atlantis, a great civilization which many question the validity of, was a culture that was more advanced than our own, not in material items, but in the advancement of health and harmony among the creation of the universe which is simply energy and higher life forms. Through this harmony, they were able to create things so complex simply by using the human brain and tapping into the 4th and 5th dimensional energy frequencies that travel all of space and time.

    There are reasons to believe that the civilizations that built the pyraminds of egypt, the pyramids of mexico, the complex buldings of india, of south america, of asia, the formations of rocks on easter island, stonehenge, and the list goes on, this was all built by descendants of the great civilizations of Atlantis, and civilization that was MUCH more advanced than our own simply because they avoided material greed. In 2012, the evolution of mankind begins a new with the end of the long count calendar, which equates to our dec 21, 2012 in our gregorian calendar. This date signifies the rebirth of consciousness on a level where all of the problems of humanity are sovled and visions become clean, medicine becomes extinguished by the ability of humans to heal themselves with spirtuality and the powerful mind, where advancement of the human race in terms of technology means the advancement of humanity in a way that benefits all of humanity, not the elite few. The purpose of humanity is to evolve, and the earth is stepping in in what we know as "global warming" and changing the world for the better. Those who have focued their lives on material wealth and driving the society that feeds off the suffering of others will be no more, the Earth and the vibrating frequencies of the universe will take care of those who arent in harmony with nature and live above the means of the intended path of evolution. Those who are able to decipher the warnings left behind by civilizations more advanced than ours know how they will survive, those that dont have avoided the signs set forth to them by the universe, and it is for this reason that they are not fit to continue. This is all necessary to avoid extinction of the human species, it is needed to avoid destruction from greed and corruption, the poles will complete their alignment with a new constellation and a new era will begin where man has a new start and shall take a new path to enlightenment. A burst if energy will begin total destruction of the Earth on a surface level, extinguishing life as needed to cleanse itself of the toxins that man has created. Everything that is life, everything that exists involves polarities, + and -, this is the basis of magnetism and the driving force of the universe, + is good energy, and - is bad energy, heaven and h**l if you will, this is where the concept comes from. Those that live in harmony with nature are living in the + polarity of the universe, those that dont, live in fear, in greed, in corruption, they live in - polarity. For tens of thousands of years + and - have battled for control of humanity, and postive polarity wins in 2012, when it extinguishes negativity and energy becomes 4th and 5th dimensional, allowing consciousness of everything living to evolve and live among the universe and not just the earth, and be aware that we arent the only ones in this universe.

    I am just touching upon this, you need to go convince yourself, I cant do that for you. You need to do extensive research on your own to understand where I am coming from, but hopefully you have gotten the jist of why it will happen, not necessarily how it will happen. Just research the consequences of global warming, rising sea levels(floods), climate warming and all the problems associated with that, which eventually leads to stress on tectonic plates(earthquakes), with earthquakes come volcanic activity, I can go on and on. Starting in the next few years, you will begin to see a rise in natural catastrophes, that get bigger and happen more frequently.

    Global warming was the test of humaity to live in harmony with nature, the timeline was set, we failed and now we suffer. It cant be avoided, it MUST happen. Believe what you will, starting 2010, you will witness 1st hand mass die-offs. You still have time to tap into reality and save yourself., dont wait till 2010 to be aware, it will be too late then.

  17. It is based on the Mayan calander which ends in December 2012. It is predicted that because that is the last month and year of the calander, that is when the world will end

  18. what is there to say? it's a cruel and cynical hoax, and you should know better.

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