
2012. yes the question is HOT and been asked, and ppl denied that it's real..but?

by Guest62202  |  earlier

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how can u be sure, have you done your homework?...

This one's different, it's not some chain letters, or Phrank.

Scientists, researchers..archiologists, everyones researching.

Books, yes books, there are hundreds of NON fictional books about this... don't just watch youtube, do some research...they show logical theories about the Mayan and it's culture...

the Mayan's astronomical discoveries made very huge success, they knew other planets... AND I THOUGHT CHRISTOPHER columbus found the earth was round (i thought that was the very first discovery)...

IT's just i've met alot of different ppl and different opinions...there are belivers and there are SERIOUS NON belivers...

I did not do my homework much about this situation...but i'm still researching...

I'm pretty immature...but anything to tell me?


expected ansers:

" don't belive this ****"

"ppl also said the year 2000 was the last day"

"it's all a hoax"

"it's just the end of calender"

I"M saying this ones again, do more research and go deep, it's not just the calender, there are theories...


no i just want to open up ppl's mind and tell them to DO SOME RESEARCH...please before making any conclusion.

(really pissed at those youtube comments and some forumboards...)

anyways... -_-




  1. Picture this.

    You are a part of the civilisation called the Mayan.

    Your people have put together a great calendar.  You know it’s great,  everyone say it is.  

    But Big Chief Guy says why did you stop there, I want it to go forever.

    The calendar men not wanting to disappoint Big Chief Guy set about calculating and writing and they do this for a very long time.  In fact this became a good father to son tradition.  Guaranteed work, good pension and so on.  Generations passed. All made sure the calendar reached long into the future so they always knew what was coming.    

    That was until tragically the day arrived when there was no longer anyone to do the work.  The last great calendar writer died.

    His last entry when converted to the modern calendar was the day  December 21st 2012.  Not a great outcome as it denied Jesus another birthday and incidentally my grandfather, his birthday was the 24th Dec.

    If the calender was claimed to be able to reached long into the future and as it stopped its logically to see this as an end date where as it was in fact just the last day that the calendar makers bothered to write.

    Well that is my story and I am sticking to it as it has as much credibility as anyone else.  

  2. Two answers you didn't consider:

    1. The doomsayers have the burden of proof; let's see *their* research.  Lots of people study Maya culture.  Lots of people study objects in the sky.  Why are the people do such things for a living not buying into this?  Why are the wacky doomsday theories being promoted by people who do largely other things for a living besides interpret the relevant data?  Disputation of a poorly-formed and poorly-supported theory does not itself incur a burden of proof.

    2. The surviving Maya in southern Mexico don't believe any of this end-of-the-world hogwash.  It's their ancient culture; shouldn't they be the ones to pay the most attention to it and believe it?  In fact it's being promoted mostly by greedy and ill-informed Anglo-Saxons.

  3. The reason why it is such a hot question lately, is because...despite the opposition to 2012, it is all real.

    It's not just the Mayan Calendar, it is the Giza complex which also is telling about an alignment in the stars. And also other world sites in lieu with the other world sites. Hopi prophecy is a biggee. Many world wide prophecies are aligning to 2012. Many real and authenticated time tested prophecies.

    Really, there is big conspiracy going on which is above the clouds as well. UFOs and aliens, which in no doubt, most will scoff at the idea of.

    But they are here for the reason of 2012.

    Of course, this all depends on how far you are willing to go down the rabbit hole.

    It wouldn't be expected for many to come face to face with demise. Or is it demise? What about transformation into a more celestial race?

    Proof of 2012 comes in many forms. There are many books out there.

    It's not the books which gives direct proof of ET's arrival prior to 2012 or anything in doomsayers notes. It is those gigantic and 'also' presumed hoaxed formations in cereal crops across the globe. Yes, they are all hoaxes, and two men from England (one of which is dead) are going all over the world and creating them for your entertainment. No, seriously, these are genuine proofs (the crop circles) that 2012 is not a hoaxed event.

    Why would someone go to all the trouble of aligning a great big pyramid complex for us (that would be Teotihuacan and also Egypt...but also UK (Silbury Hill, Stonehenge etc)....that aligns on 2012? Got too much time on their hands? Want to prove they can move stone on a mass scale? They are all braggarts? No. It was left behind by the last survivors of a world wide event. The Atlanteians. Who were responsible for Egypt. Most scholar types seem to not care about Atlanteians in any Egyptian works. That is a major archaelogical mistake.

    People learn, through cataclysm that they live in a universe, not a on a mere world. They open themselves up fully to the cosmos, and in doing so, become cosmic themselves. They leave behind trace evidence of their existence, by leaving warnings in stone. Then they return, more advanced than ever before, in star craft. Since, the whole affair in the ancient past, was that one of awakening into the cosmic.

    Yes, of course, no evidence of propulsion physics and yet there is trace evidence of star people being here aeons ago. Writings in stone, stories from native tribes....passed down teachings.

    There is evidence of propulsion systems in Egypt though. You have to look VERY hard though. It won't be easy. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack the size of the earth. For the physics are very advanced. So advanced that any educated buffoon would scoff at the idea. The ancients covered their tracks too well. That is for sure. Too well for any of us to know. Some were shown the way though and some have followed those who were shown the way.

    All those Egyptians with Balls on their heads...were ascended humans. God Like humans. Terribly powerful. They could do anything they wanted. So they did. They are evolved way beyond us. Most archaeology already recognizes God like figures in Egypt. What they don't realize, is that these God like figures were indeed humans who were evolved genetically.

    It goes on and on. You have to connect the dots.

    Be wary to those who cling to mainstream science only for answers. They always fall short of the truth, regardless of their credentials and evidence to not support 2012.

    The answers cross over borders of many knowledge bases. It has to! No one can assume the TOTAL knowledge of the ancient records in one knowledgebase alone. People will get things in bits and pieces all over this world. The more you piece together everything the more you will realize that things are true about 2012 and of the ancients and of UFOs.

  4. Yes, I have done my research beyond the University of YouTube. I have actually taken a look at some of the books about 2012 these people have written. I only read the first couple chapters in the book store (hey, I wasn't about to spend 30 bucks on a piece of garbage) and I noticed multiple historical and scientific inaccuracies in just the first few chapters. After closer inspection, and doing some other research online (at trusted websites) I found many more. This basically gave me the conclusion that these books were not good sources.

    First of all, the Mayans NEVER predicted the end of the world in 2012. That was when their new cycle started. Its like us entering the new millennium in 2000 (oh wait, there was a doomsday for that too, right?). There was nothing different. Thats just how the Mayan calendar worked.

    I actually consulted an ancient history specialist and asked him how the Mayan calendar worked, and if the Mayans EVER predicted a doomsday for 2012. He said that they didn't, and predicting the end of the world goes totally against the Mayan calendar's function. "Any 'historian' that even insinuates that the Mayan calendar predicted a doomsday is either completely stupid, or is trying to make a cheap buck." And that is what I've been trying to say for so long now.

    These books offered pseudo-scientific theories, not logical theories. They appear logical to one who has not been introduced to the subject of astronomy, but when you have studied the very things they are talking about for 5 years, you are able to tell that they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. A brown dwarf with a 3600 year orbit? Thats just crazy. There is no way an object of that size could be missed.... we've seen them light years away.

    And yes, the people that wrote these books, the so called "historians" probably think that Christopher Columbus discovered that the world was round. Well, he didn't. That is a myth. How ironic! People knew the world was round well before Columbus set sail.

  5. I would agree it is good to have an open mind, but not so open the brains fall out!

  6. Yes I have actually looked into this, starting about 18 months ago and sometimes since when some 'new' stuff pops up.  

    Some of the so-called evidence is just a re-hash of silly stories that have been around for decades, such as the supposition that the proportions of the great Pyramid of Egypt has some predictive power.  That was first trotted out in the 1800s, and one of the proponents of this was caught chipping bits off it to make it fit his theories.  That was more than 100 years ago.

    The Bible codes were shown to be nonsense 11 years ago.  Enough said.

    Nostradamus has never been shown to predict anything.  Enough said.

    Stuff about planetary alignments has been around for decades and is as false now as it was then. One of the guys who posts on a work bulletin board was gettin all het up about this almost ten years ago,  He thought it was going to happen in 2000.  Yes, dear old 2000.  

    Now the Mayan calendar stuff was invented by a couple of sensationalists some years ago.  One of these frauds, for that is all he can be called, had previously claimed that the Great Pyramid of Egypt was 15,000 years old when the documentary evidence, such as it is, carbon -14 and whatnot indicates that it is actually about 4,560 years old.  These people are not careful with facts and will write lies in a convincing way without actually saying that their assertions are true.

    Since most people have only a hazy knowledge of Egyptian history, Mayans, logic or astronomy this stuff looks convincing.

    Now if you look on the internet about this stuff you will find sites with lots of pictures of stars, planets and galaxies.  There will be drawings or photos of ancient inscriptions or artwork that might look like something we could interpret in some way that might support whatever nonsense these people are pushing. Nearly all of this stuff is irrelevant.

    Since these sites are viewed by a lot of people and linked to by others, Google puts them near the top of a search list.  The 'boring' academic and scientific sites that have the actual facts are not visited by a lot of people and definitely are not linked by the fraud sites.  So if you do a Google search on any of this stuff ignore the first dozen hits and read the ones after that.

    And by the way, Columbus did not show the world was round, he and everyone with half an education in the 1400s knew it was.  They also knew how big it was and they knew that Columbus would run out of water and food before he reached India by sailing west.  Not even the Church said that the world was flat.  That had been proposed around the 7th century by a couple of theologians but it had been ignored.  The shape and approximate size of the Earth was determined by Eratosthenes, who died about 200 BC and better measurements were made later.      

  7. I think the very fact that you thought Columbus discovered the earth was round confirms that you have very little scientific training or education.  Indeed, do some research.

    I, on the other hand, do not need to do any more research on what is patently obvious.  By looking very briefly at Z Sitchin's so called theories, as well as the nonsense about the Mayans, and applying to that a simple dose of reality, I can there is nothing there.

    It's similar to the situation if you told me the sun was made from cheddar cheese.  I don't need research to tell me that is wrong, my entire body of knowledge acquired over the past 40 odd years lets me see the logical flaws.

  8. The end of the world has been often predicted but never actualized.

    Kinda like the batter who bats 500 times and has no hits -- will he hit it out of the park in his next at bat?

    Could it happen?  Sure

    No "research" can be done in this area -- a total waste of time.

    Find something useful to do.

    Just a matter of faith,

    I'm not canceling my plans for 2013.

  9. Let's start with presenting myself: I study spaceflight technology and have a strong interest in anything which goes on outside our planet. I know how orbital mechanics work and which physical phenomena have impact on the visibility and trajectory of objects.

    With that background, I decided a few weeks ago, to analyze the predictions of the 2012 idea only from an astrodynamical point of view - Which group of trajectories could lead to an periodic object with about 3600 years orbit period hit Earth.

    Based on that, you would have a large and fast object between 11 and 13 AU away from the sun. It is moving really fast and would be visible of meteorite scans already for years (Many KBOs are small, faint and move slowly but still, we managed to discover already a large amount of them) . Many regions of the solar system can be excluded. These would have swing-by events with one of the three biggest planets in the solar system and alternate the trajectory of the object, so it is no longer periodic - or even collide with it.

    So, left for the object are only the region far enough outside the ecliptic plane, where only very few other objects can disturb the trajectory. Inside the Ecliptic plane would fail, because the predicted orbit period would make it pass close to at least one of the gas giants in the last 150,000 years.

    As we discovered small faint asteroids and dwarf planets in the potential regions for this Planet X, we can exclude that a fast, large massive object can be hiding there - even worse, because of it's high brightness (as anything which is no black hole would reflect light), it would have been discovered by the Hipparcos satellite automatically.

    That's what you get when you have REALLY an open mind. Open not only to the theory, but also open to the counter arguments and the cave-eats of reality.

    On the homework issue:

    Columbus did not discover that the world is a sphere. An ancient Greek discovered it, and only few people defended the biblical version that Earth has to be a disc in 1492. The myth that we believed that the world is no sphere in the medieval Europe is a scientific fake, created during the Age of Imperialism - only two minor monks in Europe still defended the disk shape, but their accounts got turned to the truth about the scientific knowledge of the time.

    But in fact, the oldest still existing globe showing Earth as sphere was made in Nuremburg in 1474 - years before Columbus set sail.

    Next, the Mayans had not been as good in astronomy as many people claim today - they only knew 5 planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) like all other cultures of that time. They had been able to calculate VERY accurate ephemeris tables of the stellar objects, but not better as European or Chinese astronomers in the early middle ages. Most appreciation of their astronomic skills comes from the modern image of Mayas as savages. In fact, their calendar shows so many inaccuracies and corrections, that people today can't even know for sure, which day the long count will increase to 13. And Mayans numbered their calender units from 1 to 12 or 1 to 20, with scientists still not knowing how many B'ak'tun are considered maximum. The Mayas already missed the steps from 9 to 12 - they are long dead. And they did not even predict their own fate. Their accounts suddenly ended after years of starvation and civil wars, without any indication that they knew about their fate. At one point, there had just been no longer people left to write down their fate and now, the Mayas are just the ancestors of many tribes in Mexico.

    Please, do you own homework before complaining about the homework of others. Keep a open mind AND open eyes.

  10. you say your a person thats willing to believe like its always a good thing. BEING OPEN TO EVERYTHING IS NOT A GOOD THING, IT IS A HORRIBLE THING. there is no mayan doomsday. the calendar restarts for the 13th time ok, nothing happened the other times. they never meant it to mean the start of a new are or the end of the world, they just had a cyclic calendar like we do.

    there is no nibiru, no planet x, no galactic plane.

  11. Are you trying to tell me that this bulls--- is true-----wow, where in h--- have I been then---I must have really lost out on something, but anyway!  Ya can't believe all that you read, and almost none of what you see.  Nah, I'm speaking to a believer---hold on, you can believe all of what you read, and all of what you see!  

    But you'll pardon me if I don't, believe that is!  Until it's proven to me---I'm not gonna' believe, no matter what anyone says!  

  12. There is not even one credible real scientist who buys into this nonsense and neither should you.  You make a lot unsubstantiated claims with your statement up there.  Don't believe anything you see on youtube.  

  13. The first answer is correct.

    I would like to add that the will probably happen at some time but is more likely to happen before or after 2012 as that is a specific point in time.  There is a very large number of specific points in time and to claim that a single one is the one in which the end will occur is a huge gamble.  If anyone is willing to bet on this then they should be able to win lotteries, casino games, etc.

  14. All I do is wait for someone to propose a theory of what will happen on 21st December 2012, then I look into it and see if it's plausible. So far, nothing proposed for this date stands up to any proper scientific analysis.

    Planet X or Nibiru: If it were to arrive in 2012 it would have been seen by now. It hasn't been seen.

    Galactic Alignment: The Sun will not appear to line up with the centre of the galaxy because the centre of the galaxy does not lie in the plane of the earth's orbit. The Sun crosses the galactic equator (not the centre) near the time of the 2012 solstice, as it does in 2011, 2010 and every other year. Even if an alignment were to take place, there's no physical effect that would be measurable on Earth.

    Pole shift: There's no evidence for a geomagnetic reversal to begin before or during 2012. As for a rotational pole shift, this would take a vast amount of energy. Where is this energy going to come from?

    Solar storms: The Sun reaches maximum activity in 2011. There is no reason to suppose that this maximum will be any more energetic than usual.

    Earth's axis 'wobble': This is known as precession and is a continuous, smooth motion. Precession carried the line of solstices across the plane of the galaxy in 1998. This is something the doom-mongers get excited about but it's already happened and, quite predictably, passed unnoticed.

    Photon belt: This is one of the silliest of the lot and is essentially a meaningless invention.

    If any more theories come up, I'll have a look at them, but I'm not expecting anything remotely plausible to appear.

  15. You're paranoid and uninformed.

    A person who was neither paranoid nor uninformed was the great physicist Richard Feynman, who studied the Mayan calendar and translated Mayan hieroglyphs. He said that while 2012 is the end of the current ba'k'tun, that in itself means nothing. That is because — while very ACCURATE — the Mayan calendar has no theoretical basis and thus has a PREDICTIVE power of exactly zero.

  16. Yes I have done some research into this.

    In fact I have worked out most of the observable celestial mechanics parameters, as I ntend to use this myth as the basis for a homework for my students (pity them)

    It is just a myth which mysteriously propagates (mostly because of the History Channel and YouTube)

    Here's the reason's why you shouldn't believe it:

    The interpretation of the Mayan calendar thing is just plain wrong – it’s just the end of a cycle. And since calendars are based on astronomical motions of one kind or another, they are inherently cyclic. Our western calendar ends on December 31st every year!

    Planet X/Nibiru does not exist. If it did we would have found it by now. We have mapped the sky in the infrared several times in the last 25 years (including WMAP, IRAS etc), and it would show up. It is not there. We would have found it if it existed. So all the nonsense about the return of Nibiru/Planet X is just that – nonsense

    There is no scientific evidence for the existence of Nibiru

    Furthermore, at the distance it must be to hit us in a little over 4 years, it would be reflecting enough light from the sun to be detectable.

    It's pretty easy to work out how bright it should be by now – it  would not be visible with the naked eye – but easily visible in a modest telescope and would have been spotted by amateur. If there was a conspiracy to keep it quiet – it would be out of the bag by now.

    Ask someone where it is supposed to be, get a pair of binoculars and look for it.

    Furthermore, it is supposed to be in orbit around a brown dwarf. We have detected brown dwarfs at much larger distances than the alleged distance of the sun’s mythical brown dwarf companion, so why haven’t we seen this “star"? We have detected other Brown Dwarfs, like Gliese 229, which is 19 light years away!

    The videos on YouTube that purport to have evidence are disingenuous to say the least. They put together pictures of other objects (e.g. Jupiter, comets even a dust shell around a distant red giant star) and try to scare people. There is no validity to their claims. They present NO EVIDENCE at all.

    As for the predicted catastrophes – the most popular one seems to be the Pole Shift!

    The sun will have a pole reversal that year – it has one every 11 years – it is not a problem.

    The earth’s magnetic field is less predictable –

    but is still nothing to worry about: we know that the magnetic field does not collapse in the process of reversing polarity- if it did, there would be major extinctions that correlate with the geologic record for pole reversals - there is no correlation.

    As for the rotation axis moving - it does that continuously - look up Milankovic cycles on wikipedia.

    Also - if you saw this on the History Channel, hopefully you notcied that they didn't have scientists supporting what they showed. That's because they misrepresented the current state of Geophysics research into shifting poles.

    Now let’s tackle the “Galactic Alignment”

    Here’s a nice site that explains what it means, and explains that is does not happen on December 21st 2012:

    Also see the wikipedia entry:

    which tells you that the precise alignment of the solstice with the Galactic equator was in 1998. It did not cause problems. The Galactic Equator is purely a human construct – not a physical thing. And we do not get any closer to the black hole in the center, which remains approximately 8000 parsecs (26,000 light years) away.

    If there are more 2012 related myths I have missed - let me know and I'll debunk them too...

  17. its just silly.

    the Mayans predicted what?  an eclipse?  I can do that.  the next full moon?  I can do that, too.  How much proper motion a star has?  Been there.  Precession?  Done that.

    guess you should listen to me as much as you listen to these dead guys.

    there is NO significance to 2012.  Zero.  Nada.

    DO the research means... ACTUALLY read it.  Read the explanations, read the debunkers, read the story about how a sweet young woman, slaved all day cleaning for her wicked ugly step-sisters and step-mother and eventually married the handsome Prince... and had all her relatives tossed in the dungeon. (no kidding)

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