
2036 my 100 birthday telegram ,from the currant lot?.A foreign born dignitary?, the senior Iman?, I wonder?

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This comment is really aimed at the future, as to "who or what" will be the future Head of State.




  1. Telegrams???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The way she's going, it will probably still be our dear queen.  After all she'll only be 110.

  3. By year 2036 here's what UK will be like - firmly united as ever, with the soverign at our head.  You will get your telegram.

  4. Hehehe!!!

  5. I would not worry about your telegram if the our present Queen lives to be a grand old age like the Queen Mum, the telegram will come from her.  God forbid that she is not the Queen then the Government of that time will say its too costly to send 100 year old telegrams as everyone is living longer.  No matter what they do with the money they save on telegrams it will not be spent on something useful!

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