
2:05pm: Are their lots of free women and cheap wine in Phucket?

by  |  earlier

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...Crosses fingers....




  1. hey i'm a cheap woman and i will give you free wine

  2. yes, heres one! is this roll call for the y a s***s? I'm here!

  3. plentiful--it's like an all you can eat buffet

  4. You don't need cheap wine to make a s-an-y --nt cheap, especially if she is an antisocial, narcissistic, sociopath, psychopath!

  5. i really dont know, i'll be there in march 08. if anyone knows the best women (who would guanttee) men's solo satisfaction ... do let me know via email ...

  6. <--Yes.

    Do you like-a the juice?

  7. Yes, I think that there are.


  8. phuken yes and yes

  9. Birdy! It's about time you paid Phuket a visit. And yes to your question (why do u think I'm here?!)

  10. just trade for fish heads and the world of phuket is yours

  11. Yes but the crabs do cost a lot.

  12. I hope so:) which way to Phucket? hello....hello...which way? Ahhhhh phucket it!

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