
20yo woman & 4mth baby?

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She doesn't want to leave her baby's dad coz she won't have a place to stay, he don't help her out and hardly keeps a job...Give me your opinion pleez




  1. has she got good parents ? if yes go there

    you only get one life so what ever you don't like get rid of

    have a happy life your the only person in the way when it comes down to it  see ya  

  2. I really do not think you would want to know what I think about your friend having that many children at such a young age with a loser. Of course the tax payers are picking up the tab. As long as there is welfare, there will be people who will abuse the system. This does not include the lives her children will have to live because of their mother's irresponsibility.

  3. Doesn't sound like a good situation, but why are YOU asking?  What do you hope to accomplish by asking this question?

  4. If he hardly keeps a job then he won't be able to provide her with a place to stay for long anyway. She needs to leave his worthless *** and focus on her and her baby.


  6. i hav a room open

  7. make her get a job DUH drum sticks

  8. well if i was her i would definitely leave him and start fresh, stay at her parents , or  relatives place. if he doesn't help her now and doesn't have the job, chances are he will be worse in the future,and she needs to start thinking about her child not living with that loser who doesn't care about neither of them. there is always  a place available to stay her family, her friends, people who really love and care about her.

  9. She has no choice but to stay with him.  That's why young people shouldn't fool themselves into thinking they can handle children when they can't even take care of themselves.

    Like I said, her only choice is to tough it out with the illegitimate child's father.

  10. the state can help her out until she can get on her own. free daycare, job and housing assistance,food and whatever else.

  11. Find a place to stay and get out. She deserves better.

  12. well if she isn't married i would get a good job, move out, and dump him.  

  13. there are many programs to help single mothers get on their feet have her stay with you for the time being while things work out with the government it takes about 3-4 weeks. She will be able to go to school if she chooses, the government will help her out.

  14. why won't he help? alchoholic? drugee? other babies to support?

    she needs to haul butt out of there.

    the only reason she should stay is if he's not any of the things in my first line and is trying to help, just can't find the right job.  

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