
21 weeks and had very low blood pressure at last visit?

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I went to the doctor yesterday not for an OB but because I was getting odd feeling and sensations in my head. (I have an anxiety disorder and with being pregnant I freak out over every little thing cause I'm scared it could potentially mean somethign wrong with our baby!) I have been feeling a little off balance latley but I am starting to get big so I'm sure that is what that is from. I haven't really had any dizzy spells or really even felt dizzy just get pressure headaches latley. Well when I first went in the room they took my BP and it was 104/60 something. I asked my dr when she came in the room if that was low and she said no thats pretty consecutive to what it has been through your 2nd trimester and its not getting any lower really. Well I told her about the head thing and so she decided to do a test where she checked my BP and pulse laying down, sitting, and standing. Laying down my BP was 84/38, sitting up it was 100/58, standing up it was 90/54. Each time my pulse was around 80. I was kinda nervous the whole appt so my pulse was probably higher than it usually is. Anyways, I get nervous when I'm alone, driving alone, etc. Are there any ways I can slowly raise my BP besides taking it easy? I dont want to spend the next 4 months in bed worrying about my BP, would it make me feel better to get a BP monitor at home so I can take it whenever I'd like? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I just dont want to risk passing out and harming the baby or even myself. Any ideas? Thanks for your help!




  1. I have low blood pressure as well, and pregnancy can cause it to go even a bit lower than what's normal for us.  Many, many women experience dizzy spells during pregnancy because so much blood is going to the uterus to support the baby.  It's very common.

    Low blood pressure is often paired with low iron levels, so make sure you are getting enough iron.  Take iron supplements or eat lots of spinach and red meat.  I upped my iron and the dizzyness has gone away.

    With an anxiety disorder, you can cause yourself to experience a lot of symptoms and even make them worse.  My husband dealt with anxiety and ocd for many years and is now a therapist specializing in their treatment, so I know.  Pregnancy and hormones can heighten your anxiety as well.  It may be in your best interest to seek on-going counseling through your pregnancy and post-partum to get your anxiety under control.  

    I hope that you do.  It's really hard for children growing up with parents who do not have their anxiety and ocd under control.  They end up taking on the behaviors and fears of the parents and then develop the disorders themselves.  Please seek help.

    You can go to the ocdfoundation online to find therapists in your area that specialize in these things.

    Congrats on your healthy pregnancy and best of luck!

  2. i had low blood pressure one day it even made me almost faint - try to eat some sugar!!!!

  3. Lucky you that you have low blood pressure, usually your blood pressure increases with the greater blood volume of pregnancy.  If you want it higher, then walk around more - moving and exercising will temporarily raise your blood pressure as well as strengthen your leg muscles which will help return your blood in your legs.  You could also get pressure stockings to prevent the blood from pooling.

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