
21-yr-old male babysitting 12-yr girl. What should we do?

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Babysitting for a family friend. Any suggestions? Other than working on some homework and watching TV, what can we do that 12-year-old girls interested in?




  1. Hmm.... video games, dont know if you can go out of the house, go to the the mall and walk around? lol! sorry thats what I can think of right now.

  2. A movie, play a board game, or video game.  She might not like the same things you do, but it's only for one night.  

    Try making rice crispy treats or making s'mores or something easy.

  3. There are alot of twelve year old girls that are sports oriented. Maybe she would like to play some catch outdoors, or maybe you could take her bowling!   Other then that, how about some card games!  Just about every kid knows how to play rummy!

  4. watch a movie that she picks out

    play karaoke idk girls really like anything

    o and if she's athletic, play basketball with her or something

  5. read...sing...and make sure you have someone else there at all times...leave no room for the enemy...

  6. Maybe go to the mall or go to the movies. You could also have an in home movie night. You could also just ask her...she's old enough to answer. haha :)

  7. I'm 13, and at that age kids typically aren't into what people normally think we would be.

    It also depends on her personality. If she's a girly girl, you plans aren't going to be a night at Hot Topic Festivals...

    Ask what she wants to do.

  8. movie,video games hair styling

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