
21st party ideas?

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I dont have a huge circle of friends and only really have about 6 close friends I could invite to anything. My family (extended family) and some family friends also want to come. Have you got any ideas about what I could do? i dont want anything too expensive or over the top but something special.




  1. 21? duh. just get drunk.


    have two parties, one for family and friends where you do something and then have another party with other 21 yr old friends and get s**+*faced

  2. throw a party with blackjack and hookers.. in fact forget the party and the blackjack....

  3. Planning

    Draw up a list of your requirements. Tally it with your guest list. If things are simply like the previous ones you can rely with your existing infrastructure. Anything more, size or variety, and you'll have to go in for a fresh look to keep pace with it.

    Remember, do not either over or under estimate your capability. Consider the pros and cons.

    You can always approach suitable companies in your locality for comments and a quotation. And hire their services if the package seems attractive.

    Do the budgeting, before getting really started. For kids and unused ones seeking help is vital at this stage. Learning from the adults and experienced ones is always helpful and a prudent thing to do.

    Finally, well ahead of the time, make a checklist of vital last-minute points to confirm. This may include making a call to check details of orders placed, services commissioned, friends, DJ(s), entertainer(s) who have roles to play, and, of course, guests that may need assistance in some way.

    Always plan for having plenty of alcohol-free drinks: mineral water, soda water, lemonade, tonic, fruit juices. If you find wines unavoidable settle for alcohol free beer and low alcohol wine.


    Invitation is an art. So be sure to make it warm and impressive.

    Even if the invitation cards are bought up, try to leave a personal touch on them. After all we all nurture an expectation for being cared personally. It reminds the guests of the kind of importance you attach on them. Also breaking the convention attract people's attention.

    Well, if you have time and willingness try to do the invitation letters on your own. Here again being unconventional makes them attractive. Write them on cheap, cork beer coasters.

    Create tiny gift-wrapped packages. Write the info on the outside, or on a slip of paper inside.

    Sometimes certain old tricks still work. Blow up colored balloons. Write the invitation in contrasting colors on it. Deflate the balloons fully. And mail them.

    Is this one of the "big" birthdays? If you'll be doing a lot of walking down memory lane, think about an invitation that looks like a photo album. Just one piece of paper, folded in half. Ride on your imagination.

    Only4ukids have some free beautiful invitation cards for you. Click here to try them out!

    Helping hands:

    Even if you are super organized and extremely confident, you will probably appreciate help at some level when planning the party.

    For birthday parties at home it is probably enough to draw on those about you for any help you need rather than hiring professional assistance. If you do ask friends or relatives for special help, or accept assistance when it is volunteered, it is vital to establish a clear and tactful understanding to avoid any time-wasting, confusion and offence later.

    First make a list of work to be completed, decide exactly what you want to do, and can realistically tackle, yourself, then look at the areas with which you need help. Even if you delegate tasks to the helping hands remember, do not delegate the ultimate responsibility. For, it solely rests on you.

    And yes, if you don't want to involve your household members in the preparations, make sure to enlist their support. This is specially so for the kids and partners who are unused to helping with household tasks. Otherwise things may just turn dreadful.

    Finally, remember to encourage and thank everyone who helps, no matter how minuscule the contribution.


    The thoughts of decor and display props up yet another important thing. Cleaning. One of the most important, yet most neglected part, of partying.

    Cleaning includes both pre and post party tasks. For a party at home have the house thoroughly spring cleaned beforehand. This may call for a outside specialist to handle if you're not so sure about a home help.

    In any case, fix the day for cleaning about 5 to 7 days before the party. And it is good to freshen up all areas on the day before the party or early on the day.

    If you have a regular home help, then warn the person of your party and book time for special preparations, for clearing up afterwards.

    If you do not have a regular cleaner, then you may consider using an agency or company which moves in and spring cleans the house on an appointed day. Book a window cleaner shortly before the day of the event.

    Remember, for the post clean up job never rely on yourself . For, you'll be too weary to find fresh zeal to take up the clean up job after a blasting B'day bash.

    Decor and Display

    Allow yourself time to do the decor. Be it doing the flower arrangements, hanging the balloons, or taking up of more complicated projects such as swags of wreaths of flowers and foliage, if you have a fascination about them.

    Lay the table in good time to create a welcoming ambience for the guests.

    Make sure to plan the party according to the theme you've thought of. Decor and make a display of things accordingly. Put up streamers, banners and balloons based on the party theme alongside the ones with "Happy Birthday" messages.

    For summer fun, fasten beach balls together in groups of three or more using wire or tape or whatever, and hang them wherever you like.

    Giant props are always fun. For the same reason, when things are ten times bigger than they should be, people derive the fun from them.

    You can print out characters or images related to your party theme, cut them out, and attach them to the straw hats by making slits at the top and bottom with scissors. Or, tape them to paper cups, place cards, balloons, or banners. You can print out characters or images related to your party theme, cut them out, and attach them. Or you can use stickers. Fix them on to paper cups, place cards, balloons, or banners.

    Clear the floor in one room to allow space for dancing. Set chairs aside but make sure that there are some comfortable areas where less lively guests can congregate and talk.

    Also you can place potted plants alongside the passage of the main room and in the corners of the room where the party is being hosted. Clean the plants off dusts and water them and put a fresh coat on the pots holding the plants. Then decorate them with stics and cut-outs relevant to the party theme.

    Well, if you choose a special color for your party theme try to make the color predominate your decor throughout.

    Lastly be particular about the ambience so that it moves in perfect harmony with the mood of the party. Use, soft music to sustain the mood.

    Make sure to have colorful ice cubes for mixed drinks and food decor by freezing strawberries, cherries, green olives, pieces of orange or lemon in water in ice cube trays.


    It includes the entire range of services from serving the food as well as its preparation, organizing all aspects of the meal, including tables, seating, linen, china (crocks), flatware, cooking equipments, the menu, drinks, cooking and waiting for the guests.

    So, irrespective of the party size and the guest list, it means a whopping lot. But the decision is always yours. Do your own groundwork at the planning stage.

    Now here are the options: You can always decide to undertake all these at home, provided you have adequate infrastructure and a manageable guest list.

    You can hire the services in parts. For instance, hiring of individuals to prepare the food and help in other ways. Or, may hire the tables, linen, china, flatware and even the decorative items to match your party theme.

    You can also commission caterers to provide all or some of the food, and to provide the waiting staff.

    Before contracting large companies, check up with smaller work-from-home outfits which offer excellent quality buffets and service at gatherings for anything up to a hundred people.

    Need for waiting staff:

    You can always make the  preparations yourself or with the help of your family members. But what will you do if the party seems large enough with so many guests to be attended? Obviously you do need helping hands. But will any helping hands do?

    Heck! No way! You cannot afford to rely on those volunteers their hands. This is where you need the staff, so you can take care of the overall and other important parts of the bash.

    Again, you may need them for not so large a party,  in case it's not a buffet.

    You may decide to employ a waiter or waitress for dinner or supper parties which  

    If you think you can manage it on your own or with the help of some helping hands make sure to pick up the experienced ones. And if it's a large size party, say about 50 or more, be careful to allot the tasks while chalk out the plan in advance. If you include the unused hands, make sure to go in for a rehearsal so that they come in sync with the def hands.

    Greeting Guests

    Birthday parties are usually informal. Hence hardly needs much of the socializing capabilities. Yet, some etiquettes are quintessential.

    If it's an all kids party, no problem. Just take one of your siblings or  closest friends who happen to know all of your invitees, to greet the guests.

    But the problem arises if it's a party for all.

    It is customary for the host to greet the guests on their arrival. The guests are then relieved of their coats or other things and drinks are offered.

    Where the party is large enough the host may not find much time to spend with guests when they first arrive. In this case after the formal greetings they should be shown or told where the party is gathered. Later, the host greets the guests properly when all the guests arrive.

    But it may not be viable for the host alone to do everything. Preferably, while one party takes the guests in to meet the rest of the company, the other is entrusted to take care of other things. This is where delegation of tasks helps.

    Getting it started:

    This is where the party gets the touch of creativity and tastes.

    There are many ways the bash ca

  4. Something simple....have a dinner somewhere where family and friends may go and have a few dinner drinks....maybe go to like TGI Fridays or something.  Then afterwards you and your friends could go to a local divebar and get cheap drinks.  Every 21 year old should have an intoxicating experience but also make sure you have a DD...driving drunk is not cool.

    Happy 21st!

  5. If you have no preference as to which restaurant you would like to have your birthday dinner at, phone around and ask which restaurant will give a free meal or dessert on your birthday.  It's not every day you have a birthday!  It only happens once a year.  Also, if several of your friends are buying a meal, they should be willing to do it for the birthday girl.  

    Perhaps you could go to a restaurant that is slightly fancier than one you would normally frequent.  

    Afterwards you could do some recreational activity, such as mini golf, swimming, skating, star gazing, river cruise. far away are you from the neighbouring town/city?  Could you and your friends drive to the next city and go for dinner and an activity.  Perhaps a spa treatment, seeing a movie, going to a concert, etc.  You may choose to get a hotel room in the city for the night, or you may return to your town the same night, but as other readers have reminded you, be sure you have appointed a reliable designated driver, so your 21st birthday is healthy and happy!  

    Best wishes!
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