
22 days late for my period. Pregnancy test is negative. Am I pregnant?

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I am 22 days late. I am on Yaz and have been having s*x the entire time. I didnt use a condom b/c I am allergic. I have taken 3 pregnancy tests and were all negative. I dont know why I am not starting if Im not pregnant. This morning I woke up and felt so sick I thought I was going to puke. People keep telling me I should get a blood test to see. But I am so afraid of needles its crazy! Am I pregnant? Do I even need a blood test? Is there any other way to find out?




  1. If the tests said negative you are probably not pregnant.  Some things, like PCOS could cause you to miss your period and feel nauseated.  Or you could be having a reaction to your Yaz.  Talk to your doctor and bring a friend to hold your hand because they will probably have to take blood.

  2. You need to make an appointment with your doctor to find out for sure whether or not you are pregnant. The pregnancy test that you buy don't always work correctly. A blood test is not all that bad and then you will feel better and not have to worry so much.

  3. The only thing you can do is go to the DR. and get a blood test!

  4. You definitely want to get a blood test. And remember, stress can also delay your period.

    I would look into Yaz, see if maybe the 'morning sickness' is a side effect of it, and speak my doctor's about alternative means of indicating pregnancy. There may be a way to find out that won't include a needle, even if it's just them testing your urine. Either way, it's better to know.

    Good luck!

  5. get the blood test its not that bad i understand the fear but if you are pregnant ur gunna have to get used to it

  6. if i were you id take a blood test to be on the safe side.  but it shud of come up on a normal preg test by now if u r 22 days late. go to the docs to be on the safe side, it mite be summin completely different that needs taking care of.

    gd luck xxxxx

  7. take the test with first morning urine or urine that has been in your blatter for more then 4 hours.  GO TO THE Doc.  They could do an ultrasound and check.  :)

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