
22 month old has horrible tantrums?

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My 22mo old son has horrible tantrums and I have tried everything to punish him, but nothing helps.

If he has something that he isn't suppose to and I take it from him, he throws himself onto the ground and will kick and scream for what seems like forever. I have tried ignoring it and time-out. Nothing seems to work.

He even hits himself and bites himself. I know that it isn't because he doesn't get enough attention, because he always has my full attention.

It is very hard to deal with his attitude lately because I just had premature twins who came home 3 days ago. But, this has been going for months.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this?

I'm tired of everyone telling me that he has ADHD. He's not even two. HELP PLEASE!!!




  1. Your son is spoiled ,he is not ADHD or ADD. I don't mean that in a negative way.  Being the only child, and as you said he has always had your undivided attention,  he has learned that he can manipulate.  I believe his behavior would be too intense to be rectified here, don't forget, you are also within the terrible two's timeline. With him biting himself and hitting himself that brings another bell that would send off alarms. He is showing you how angry he is with the biting and hitting. If this behavior last I would think of getting help. Watch him with the twins at this point. Jealousy could rear it's ugly head.   Don't feel that you aren't a good mom. Understand that sometimes we can love our children too much. How much are you getting on to him? Are you picking and choosing your battles? What you have learned with your two year old incorporate this into the twins. It will save a lot of stress the second time around... Good Luck and

    God Bless

  2. Have you ever tried picking him up and taking him in another room so that he knows you're not watching his tantrums? Just tell him he can cry in another room. I wonder if he'll stop throwing the tantrum once he realizes you're not able to see it? Just a suggestion.

  3. I have 3 girls, 6, 4, and 16 months, and they all behave great, you know what I do? Spank em! A lot of people don't agree, but it's better then letting him beat himself up! I don't beat them, I spank their bottom, and depending on how bad they were they may also get time out. I put them somewhere that I can keep an eye on them, but they can't see me, the t.v., or anyone else. It works!

  4. You can't just grab something from them and not expect them to not react badly. Replace what you are taking with something that is OK for them to have. Say "Here is a toy car, can mommy have _______?"

    Also, even though the babies just came home, pregnancy can throw a child off. They can sense when you are pregnant and preoccupied with doctor appointments, and other pregnancy related issues. How much attention did he get while you were at the hospital with the twins? He got less attention then usual and now there are 2 other children he has to compete with. Let him help in the care of the babies. Have him bring you diapers, wipes, etc.

  5. Part of it may be that there are new ones in the family that also need attention. I know you said he gets plenty of it, but all kids react differently when a new baby comes along. It is a big adjustment for them. Honestly, when he starts his tantrums tell him that you will listen to him when he can act like a big boy & walk away. It sounds like you already do this, but when he is good, be sure to praise him for it. Pretty soon, they should decrease & go away.

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