
22 month old refusing to go to bed?

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My 22 month old has always gone to sleep at night in his crib without a problem. He has now learned how to climb out of his crib and will do so at night. For 3 nights I tried repeatedly to put him back in the crib, but he jumps right back out. He then proceeds to SCREAM and bang on the door. I have let him do this for 20 minutes or so, then go in and lay on the floor. He lays right down and falls asleep within 30 minutes. I have no idea what to do. Toddler bed? twin bed? door open with gate? Let him scream and eventually fall asleep? He has been a "sensitive" child since birth. We do not know yet if there is something "wrong" with him, but our pediatrician is suggesting screening. He does not talk a lot and is extremely particular and stubborn. Also, we have an 8 month old in the bedroom next door. Any help would be appreciated!!




  1. Put him in a big boy bed.  Lay down with him for a few minutes.  Make sure you make him stay in his bed.  If you give in you will have problems for a long time.  This is no different than any other discipline that you will have to give them.  You will have to make them understand you are in charge, and they will have to do what you expect them to do.  Good Luck and God Bless.

  2. I would say a toddler bed w/railing would work. Maybe a night light, with the door open. My son is 31 months old and still sleeps in the bed with me. Sure I may get thumbs down, but it's my business. You may just need to lay with him until he falls asleep.  

  3. Sounds like it's time for a big-boy bed!...and some discipline!  Maybe he wants some freedom but he is almost 2 and trying to figure out who's the boss...don't let it be him.  Lay down with him if you have to, but unless you want bed time to be a problem then he needs to know that he has to get in bed and go to sleep.  Good Luck!

  4. My daughter did the same thing but she started around 18 months. She'd just stand in her crib and cry all night & only sleep if we made a pallet in the floor.  We put her mattress & box spring on the floor against the wall with a bed rail on the other side (she's not ready for the whole bed & the toddler beds are so expensive) and it worked like a charm.  Just make sure to get bedding he really likes and make a big deal about how big he is to have a big boy bed like the one Mommy sleeps in.  The very 1st night she slept all night long and has done so ever since. Just make sure there are night lights all over the house so if he gets up & wants to make it to your room he can safely.  Good Luck!

  5. Either do the big boy bed, or if you're not ready for him to be out of a crib, get a crib tent. They attach to the sides of the tent, are see thru, and they are not able to be climbed out of and keep him safer.  

  6. He's almost two years old. It seems like it's time for a "big boy" bed. He knows he's not the baby anymore and it will probably do a lot of good to graduate him out of the crib.

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