
22 weeks pregnant having a lot of braxton hicks and cramping?

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im 22 weeks and since like week 16 im having braxton hicks, but a lot, and cramping around my back, stomach, sometimes legs, my doctor says its just stretching and stuff but how do i know it is not preterm labor?




  1. I just had a baby 2 months ago, my first, and I had terrible cramping and braxton hicks all the time.  The Doctor is right, because i could have sworn it was something serious.  Don't be afraid.  

    I cannot tell you how to know if it is pre-term labor or not.  But I will tell you how I combated the pain.  Hot bath!  or heating pad on low setting.  The hot bath melted the pain away instantly.  Don't use any bubbles or anything because the risk of infection.  This was the only thing that saved me !

  2. It perfectly normal.  If your water breaks, then go to the doctor.

  3. It sounds normal, don't freak out. Goodluck:)

  4. It is your first baby right?  Unless the contractions keep coming regularly and get stronger there is nothing to worry about.

  5. Well I think your Dr. would know since he went to school for it and just trust your Dr. if not find another one and get a 2nd can go to the library and check out a book on pregnancy and it will also confirm what your Dr. has told you....good luck~

  6. Preterm labour would come with other symptoms. Such as increase in vaginal discharge,a pinkish bloody show rupture of membranes (waters breaking) plus you WOULD know the difference,as the pains would be regular and getting stronger. So long as they are irregular eg: 10min 26mins 34mins 5mins 2mins then it is not preterm labour.  

  7. eat ur baby

  8. Don't be afraid one bit. I have the same problem, i am now 31 weeks and still preggers! And trust me, those aches and pains killed me, but im hanging in there.

    If you start to feel contractions regular go in to L&R!! because i was also put into preterm labor at 28 weeks.

    But you sound fine as of now. Don't be scared. It's normal.

    Good Luck!! :)

  9. I thought I was having BH contractions since 18 weeks. They didn't go away and the cramping didn't and then I got back pain. I decided to go to L&D (it was Saturday at 10:00pm) and I am really glad I did. I was hooked up to the fetal monitor and I was having over 10 contractions in a 30 minute time span. I was diagnosed with an irritable uterus and was put on macrobid because often times a UTI causes it. I was also put on an IV drip which stopped the contractions - just from hydration. Now I am staying hydrated and almost finished my macrobid and I feel MUCH better. The UTI wasn't getting diagnosed at the doctor's office but did in the hospital. The doctor told me it was great I came in because the UTI could have caused pre-term labor. Thankfully, the contractions were not enough to change my cervix.

    After that little experience I do NOT hesitate to call my doctor. I do not want to lose my little man.

  10. you should ask your doctor then. if you don't trust him then seek medical advice elsewhere at another doctor's office.

  11. Generally if you are having less than 6 contractions in an hour then it probably is not preterm labor. And generally contractions that cause cervical change will each last longer than 50 seconds. So if you are contracting less than 6 times per hour and the contractions are less than 50 seconds from start to finish, then it is probably not preterm labor. Try drinking a big glass of water and lying on your left side if you're feeling like you're contracting quite a bit. Even the slightest dehydration can cause an irritable uterus that is more prone to BHs.

    But if you are ever not sure, ALWAYS call your doctor.

  12. i think you hash browns

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