Well, i live in Sweden so we have 24hr clocks.
Everytime I look at the clock in the later evening it's usally 22:22 o'clock. It started when me and my friend were sleeping over at my house when we went into the kitchen to make some food, cuz my friend was hungry :p
Well, on my clock in the kitchen it shows seconds too. so EXACTLY when I looked at the clock, it was 22:22 22.
My friend saw it too.
Ever since I've seen it allmost every night.
I've been having the same problem with a number 23 too. I know what 23 means, so don't bother explaining:P.
I know people can see 23 everywhere too, but I see 22:22 more.
The time is 22:31 here right now.
Right when I was going to shut down the computer the time was 22:22. that's why I'm writing this right now (;
Does 22 mean anything like 23?