I am over the moon to be pregnant, and although it hasn't always been an easy ride so far, crazy pregnant lady hormones etc, I am so excited about having a baby. My boyfriend and I have been arguing lately, which i have apologised for as I know my hormones are all over the place, but he is confusing me so much as to where me and the baby stand in his life. I work full time, my BF works a few hours each day. I come home after my 10 hour shift and I still have to do everything round the house and cook his dinner, which is fine but he never seems grateful and says it isn't me doing the cooking anyway, its the oven, same with the washing, he doesn't understand sometimes i am so tired. He won't massage my back for me when it aches, he doesn't like to touch my growing bump, doesn't seem excited at the kicks etc. We also have a female dog. He lavishes her with love and attention, the kind I crave from him especially at the moment and I am ashamed to say it makes me feel al little jealous