My daughter is almost 2...i nursed her until she was 18 months and co-sleep still....i have to lay w/ her to get her to sleep (sometimes over 1hr)..she slept in her own bed fine lastnite, but i sat there w/o saying 1 word for 45mins....right now is nap time, she's so tired and i've put her in her's been one hr. and she's still fussing/talking/whining BUT she knows that she must stay in her bed, so if she gets out, hears me coming she'll run back in! i think she's getting it....
.i hate to hear her cry and it's pulling at my heart, but i'm tired of it and if i EVER want to try for another baby..this one has got to get out of my bed!!!
What can i do to keep her there and learn to put herself to sleep?..she has no sooky's always been me...i am the only soother and bears/babies don't help!!!