
232 Wildlife Officers Killed in the line of Duty Protecting Wildlife since 1907 Your Thoughts?

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  1. Is that figure for America only .it must be far more than that in Africa ??

    I have been aware for a long time that  nature has many enemies.

    Who have been brainwashed profoundly into regarding Nature as disposable including what it contains ,A gift of their god .

    Have had it drilled into them that animals do not have souls or feelings or emotions or even pain .

    And most of the indigenous peoples have been hunted into extinction or have been forced to convert to this evil ,destructive ,vain ,incompetent god ,who was no more than an extraterrestrial.

    Already called my self a soldier for nature 20 years ago

    Now i am just a teacher,but the time will come when the Friends of the planet will divide from the Enemies of Earth ,and many deaths will result on behalf of the survival of our species and the survival of Nature which is intimately linked

    Too many people still regard Environmentalism as a joke for rich kids to play with .

    But many have died already and the green war has not even started.We are still playing with a green peace and that is NOT working

  2. A human being is more important than any animal.  I was not aware of the numbers you write and am appalled.  Four deaths a year is too many when protecting wildlife.  Question:  How were the Officers killed?  By the wildlife they were protecting?  Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

  3. I'm actually going to school for this stuff.  We know the risks, and we are willing.  A lot of those deaths are due to fires.  232 in 100 years compared to someone in construction or a cop, not bad at all!  Many of those are accidents that could happen anywhere, like a vending machine falling on someone working in a corporate office.

  4. That's too bad they had to give up their lives to protect animals. Although animals are amazing and good creatures, they do not have souls. The loss of a human life is much more tragic.

  5. They obviously had a love for animals and felt a need to protect them. It is sad that they died in the line of duty, but each situation is different. They may have saved someone else or helped get people out of a wild fire. If they weren't there someone else could have died.

  6. That number is much lower than RCMP or any other law enforcement branch. And as it has been pointed out not all Wildlife Officers are killed in the line of duty protecting wildlife. There are some killed in forest fires and auto collisions.  I was not aware that the number was as high as it is but it is believable. there are some ruthless people out there that take advantage of our natural resources and will kill for it. But with the better enforcement training and equipment Conservation Officers, Wildlife Officers, Game Wardens and so on are better equipped to deal with violations against the natural resources. IT should also be pointed out that we protect more than just wildlife, we protect the natural resources of our province or state and country. Soul or no soul if we don't protect our natural resources who will??

  7. I too am a wildlife conservationist and I have to say every animal has a soul the question would be; "Does every human have a soul?".  If we don't protect our environment (lets not be uneducated here......the plants, animals, artifacts that early man has left us!  Our resources...water, food, ect.) then we will have nothing.  In a recent scientific study they have put a date on the end of human civilization.  By 2100 humans will be on the brink of extinction, surprised?  I'm not.  If we don't start changing our ways soon we will have NO natural resources....this means complete extinction of plants, animals, humans, water, air, ect.  Your X-box will be gone, your fancy caviar, everything and life as you know it now will no longer exist.  People will be fighting each other over a glass of muddy water instead of countries fighting over religion and oil.  Like Polar bears?  They will be extinct by 2050 because of their rapidly depleting environment..........but go ahead.....blast that air conditioner and buy that lifted Chevy.

    As far as the wildlife officers being killed, my husband is a Police officer who protects humans and our way of life, many are killed everyday and it sucks.  It is a hard thing but someone has to do it, the same goes for wildlife officers.  With out sacrafice there is no moving forward. No sucess.

    Save the the world.

  8. Not entirely true.  They were enforcing the laws.  Not all that enforcement had anything to do with wildlife.  And not all wildlife law is beneficial to wildlife.  The majority of the laws are there to manage people, not wildlife.

    The source I have reports the total as 227.  There are 9 states that have had none.  If you read the actual causes of death you'll see that only a few wildlife officers were actually killed protecting wildlife or upholding the law.  Illinois, the state I live in, has had 9 wildlife officers killed.  Seven of those officers were killed in auto accidents.

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