
235 johnson outboard 1979?

by Guest34258  |  earlier

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I want to know if i can add a vro to this puppy. as of now I have to premix the oil.




  1. My first question is why?To do this would be very expensive

    because of all the changes you would need to do.If all you are

    wishing for is to not have to mix your fuel,there is an easier way to accomplish it.If you can find or still buy a system called

    Auto Blend,this would be work.It is a system that Mercury was

    using for a while on some of there outboards.When it first came out there were a lot of problems with it but they were fixed.It is a separate unit that mixes the oil and fuel before it went to the carbs.I have had many customers that loved this system,but I'll be honest ,I never did and still don't.I am just informing you that this is an option for you and it is not overly expensive if you want to use it.It's your choice and I hope this helps.

  2. No- don't mess with it and risk adding something that can fail, stick with pre mixing.  This way you are sure that your engine is getting the lubrication it requires.

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