
24 ,still a virgin, and under pressure from Mom. Help! ?

by Guest63820  |  earlier

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I'm 24 and still a virgin. I've never been in a serious relationship and farthest I've gotten with a guy is kissing. I don't want to have s*x until I get married, but I haven't had any luck finding a guy who is willing to wait. I'd like to find a guy who is willing to fool around a bit so I can learn the ropes, but not have s*x till we tie the knot. I know....that's asking for a lot! My problem is that my parents have lately been dropping "hints" about getting married and giving them grand-kids and stuff. Kinda hard to do without a guy and no foreseeable prospects. I'm the oldest of three kids, and therefore expected to be the first to get married and have kids. I'm in no rush, so how do I tactfully get my parents, especially my mom, to back off on the topic?




  1. do you still live at home?

  2. Good for you!  Don't ever let anyone pressure you into doing something you don't want to do.  even if it is your mom.  Perhaps, sometime when she's not in the midst of 'hinting around', you could strike up a conversation with her about the goals you've set for yourself.  I'm the oldest in my family too, but I never felt any pressure like you have.

    Heck I'm 35 and still waiting to meet the right kind of guy too.  In the meantime, I've accomplished quite a bit of things I'm proud of.  Went back to school for my Master's degree, bought a house, and found a much better job with more opportunities for advancement.  I've wanted to settle down and start a family of my own for the past few years.  But I'm not willing to settle for just anyone.  

    I've always wondered when 'virgin' became such a bad word.  It's nothing to be ashamed of.  We should all be proud that we are, whatever our reasoning.

  3. Tell them to back off because you are dating Susan. Then, when you do come home with a man, they will be thrilled.  

  4. Just remember oral, and anal does equal virginity losing s*x.

    There is also still guys that are waiting till marriage for s*x. I'm one of them.

    Girls, how do I look?

  5. Just have s*x...go out get a boyfriend and have s*x. This isn't the old days anymore. I'm not saying go sleep around or anything, but its really hard to find a guy that will wait for marriage...

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