
24 Days, No Hatching, Cocktiel eggs?

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I found the 1st egg June a baby house, 4 more eggs followed....No hatchings yet!! How long does it take?? Im anxious!!




  1. 28 to 31 days

  2. There won't be any hatchings if you don't have a male and a female--unpaired female birds laying eggs is common.  Egg laying is triggered by hormonal activity, especially this time of year.  If this is the case, leave the female alone until she abandons the eggs.  At that point you can remove them from the cage without her getting into a cycle of constant egg laying.


    Cockatiels (particularly the hen) should be between 18 & 24 months of age before they are set up with a nestbox. Although they may be successful at a younger age, they are also more apt to run into problems, such as eggbinding (which could be fatal to your hen) or babies being abandoned or unhealthy. Hopefully you have homes lined up for future babies before starting a breeding session.

    If the pair of birds are compatible (& if they are a true pair – meaning male & female) and they see an abundant food supply, they may begin laying eggs in as little as two weeks, although it is not unusual for them to wait up to 2 months before starting to lay eggs. Eggs are laid every second day with a normal clutch being 4 to 6 eggs.

    Cockatiels share the incubation of the eggs and once they begin (after the 2nd or 3rd egg), it is quite common to see both birds in the nestbox at the same time. Sometimes one bird will be sitting on the eggs & the other just sitting beside and sometimes each bird will have ½ of the eggs. When one bird is outside the nestbox eating, drinking or bathing, the other will have all the eggs.

    The eggs will hatch approximately 18 days after incubation begins. Cockatiel babies are probably the funniest looking chicks you will ever see. They have long necks – bulging closed eyes & they stand straight up. Although they are cute & fuzzy for the first couple of days, they are soon bald & pink.

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