
24 gallon saltwater aquarium what kind of fish should i put in? besides the ones listed

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Also how many of them can i put in the aquarium i definetly want 3 clown fish though

Clown fish 3

Any kind of goby probably 1

Damsel 1 or 2

blenny 1

is this to much? for a 24 gallon?




  1. 3 clownfish are going to be to much for a 24 gal aquarium and damsels shouldn't be kept in a tank this small.   I would recommend keeping only 2 clowns or 1 clown and one other fish.  You have to remember you can't stock saltwater as heavily as you can freshwater because the disolved oxygen is much lower and also because saltwater fish can't handle the waste levels freshwater fish can.  

  2. Two clowns in 24 gallon should be in 40. Why not do research before u buy.  If u did this it would save the fish alot of stress and u wouldnt be asking this question. how hard is it to search the web???? And u sure dont need anymore fish in that tank.

  3. omg i hate some people 1 clown fish in a 24 gallon are u crazy u can put 5 if u want dude dont listen to them i have a 20 tall with 1 yellow corais wrasse 1 coral beauty 2 damsels 1 tomato clown a blenny ( 1 brackish fish = puffer) heres some pics heres a video enjoy dude also dont get stuff to fast 1 at a time or else u will have a huge amonia spike 1 at a time ok well if u go with my answer i am glad to help trust me

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