
24 weeks pregnant, why do I keep losing weight?

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When I first became pregnant I weighted 298... when I saw the numbers dropping for no apparent reason I was thrilled. I wasn't sick, and am still eating pretty good. The only thing I'm doing different is drinking water. usually 5-9 glasses a day. I am now 250. Every time I go to the doctors I drop about 5lbs, I'm not trying to and don't think I should be losing anymore weight pregnant. The doctors office said they aren't going to worry about it, unless it affects the baby or she doesn't grow right...

but if i keep dropping shouldn't I be concerned?

btw- I am 24 weeks




  1. No offense but you are VERY overweight.  You losing weight is much healthier then gaining anything else.  Im sure you have made adjustments for the sake of your baby, and also vitamins which are better for you.  Even small changes will cause you to loose weight when you are over weight.  I would not worry, and just keep trying to maintain and healthy diet, and exercise as much as you can.  This can be done by simply taking a walk around the block in the enevings.

  2. I have been dropping weight almost my entire pregnancy.  I haven't lost as much as you, but you were a little bigger than me to start with, so in proportion it is about the same.  Here is my weight chart:

    Prepregnancy- 175

    8 weeks- 169

    11 weeks- 167

    15 weeks- 163

    19 weeks- 160

    23 weeks- 158

    26 weeks- 161

    28 weeks- 163

    30 weeks- 160

    31.5 weeks (now)- 161

    I have had several ultrasounds to make sure the baby is growing right, and everytime he measures perfect.  As long as you are getting enough nutrients and vitamins you will be fine.

  3. i lost 30 pounds in the beginning i started off at 145 and went down to 115 i was also very sick but by the time i was 30 weeks i started to gain the weight back quickly but it is all in my tummy i am all baby. as long as the baby is growing okay i wouldn't worry about it

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