
25 cals for lunch and 300 cals for dinner?

by  |  earlier

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How healthy is eating only veg clear soup for lunch and rotis for dinner. i always heard that the lunch must be a heavier meal.




  1. lol @ 25 cals for lunch, that's the equivalent to eating 1/4 of an orange.  protein should be consume with each meal.  starving the body only causes as much muscle loss as it does fat.

  2. When dieting, your friend should eat at least 1200 calories per day to be healthy.  Eating too little can actually have the opposite effect, because the body will think it is starving and try and hold onto the fat.

  3. 25 calories for lunch... 300 for dinner? How big is your breakfest? You have got to be starving yourself. Lunch should infact be your biggest meal but I do things a little diffrent. Try setting your meals and cutting them in half and haveing 6 meals.

    6:00 Wake up

    7:00: Breakfest

    10:15 Breafest 2

    12:40 Lunch

    3:00 Lunch 2

    5:00 Dinner

    7:00 Dinner 2

    10:00 Sleep

    This will give you 8 hours of sleep and 6 meals a day. Your metablism will always be working and thus you will burn more calories. Its very important to eat breakfest so that you jumpstart you metablism. Dont wait till 10 to eat because you already been awake for three hours and your body thinks that it still hasnt found food yet so it continues to store fat. (Survival Mechanism).

    If your goal is to lose weight then start excerising. You arent even eating enough to maintain body temp and other bodily function.  

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