
25 day old breasfed baby........?

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So I have been strictly breasfeeding my 25 day old baby, she nurses about every 3 hours, she will nurse on one side for 40 minutes or 20-25 on each side per session! She is content the entire time through breastfeeding, but after wards I take her off and she most of the time cries, starts to suck on her hands throughout the entire day when she is not feeding......So my questions is, do I have a colicky baby ....I mean she is getting enough milk becuase she has about 10 or more wet diapers and poops regularly. She is super fussy when she is not being nursed or held.......any advice or knowledge would be great.

I try pacifiers but they just fall out then she screams until i put it you think she just wants to suck since she is breastfed?




  1. It doesn't sound like colic, just a normal baby.  I'm breastfeeding my 2nd baby who is now 4 months old and I breastfed my 1st too.  In the beginning, breastfed babies are a little more demanding and of course they enjoy sucking.  Keep trying with the pacifier.  Now, my son loves sucking his fingers, fist, thumb, and playing on the blanket for tummy time and swinging in his swing so I don't just feel like a cow constantly feeding him.  Also, one thing to try is to only breastfeed one side at a time until it's completely empty so you know she's getting the end milk which is very fatty and should help her be more content.

  2. If she's sucking on her fits furiously then i would wonder if she's getting enough to eat.

    Have you tried pumping? Do you know if you're producing enouhg ?

  3. It just sounds like she has a very strong sucking desire. As long as she is  having lots of dirty diapers and gaining weight, what else can you do. Maybe keep trying the soother, different brands may work. I am sure she will get over it.  

  4. Are you taking her off the breast or if she coming off on her own?  My advice would be to let her suckle until she quits.  At a month old she probably wants to eat and sleep immediatley after.

  5. my 3 month old son is the same way and has been since he was 2 wks. You are not only your babies bottle but also her pacifer. It sucks and restricts you from doing other things but hopefully it'll change. I asked the same Q not too long ago I got some really good answers.;...

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