
25 people killed in Iraq, obviously the US media is misinforming the American people,are they.?

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The media is telling us the surge is working to improve confidence in Mc cain, however, 5 to ten american soldiers get killed in Iraq every week.why these lies by our media who want a white guy as president.?




  1. LOL! huffington post LOL!!!!

    The surge HAS been working, and that has been said so by many top Dems themselves.

    BTW, it seems to me that you are letting media outlets that say what you want to hear misinform YOU.

  2. more were killed in Chicago...Obama's hometown...he can't even change a single city, let alone the world

  3. "The first deadly attack against American troops in the capital in nearly a month."

    That was in the article you linked, maybe your tin foil hat is on too tight.

  4. See, your attitude is part of what is wrong with the world today. You only are seeing the color of the candidates skin, not the person himself or his qualifications.  To me, both them are total b***s and should not be running.  Whoever wins, we are doomed.

    The media will always tell only what they want the public to hear.  I can only imagine what the truth really is about just about everything they report on.  Things are being covered up all the time and not just by the US media. Every country in the entire world has the same problem.

    I don't care what color the president is.  What I care about is that he's not just voted in because he's black or white.  That's stupid and dangerous.  Example - hiring a black doctor in neurosurgery just to fill the space with the correct amount of black doctors. Too bad he's had little to no experience in neurosurgery while the white doctor they passed over was super qualified.  Would you want him operating on your mother?  I don't think so.  Example - hiring an inadequate white doctor over a black doctor with qualifications all over the place just because he's white.  Wrong.  

  5. The lies do not come from the media Charro, they come from our government.  You have the right reasons, just the wrong cause.  Still, the surge is working, and that is from personal report, not the media or the government...and now it's time to come home.  Getting that time line set is what Bush is hoping will save the Republican election.

  6. Obviously????????????? How so?

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