
25 weeks and wondering about kick counting - could you please help?

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I am 25 weeks pregnant and been reading about kick counting (I know I have 3 more weeks to go until I do it). But I read it said to do them the same time every day. However, I notice my son's schedule is ALL OVER THE PLACE. Sometimes the whole week he will be active at a certain time and then randomly he will change his schedule. How are you supposed to do kick counting at a certain time when sometimes the baby is active at a certain time and sometimes the baby is asleep?

PS: When he's not moving I cannot get him to move - no amount of juice, walking, tapping etc will make him move. lol.




  1. I drove myself CRAZY with my first trying to keep up with that and he wouldn't move for ANYTHING.  (Unless he was good and ready....)  I went to the hospital several times because I was so nervous when he wasn't moving - but he's fine.  (He's 5 and hasn't stopped moving since birth!!!)  

    I think that you know - and counting might drive you crazy...  I just kept tabs on how I was feeling and how I felt he was feeling.  I guess that's really all you can do...  You starting worring from conception, and I don't think you stop - ever.

    Good luck and God bless!

  2. Lol, how on earth can a nurse on here not know what kick counting is?

    My babes the same way, if he isn't moving, no amount of juice or ice water will get him moving. he's out cold.

    But if you've felt a frequent activity period throughout the day, then the kick counting that day isn't as necessary, because you've felt healthy movement.

    Kick counting is more important on a lazy day when you haven't felt much movement.

    That's what my doctor told me.

  3. I have never heard of kick counting.   Is something that someone made up while bored.  I am curious.  The baby is " kicking" because its simply moving and stretching.   Why would you want to wake the baby to count it moving??  

    Ok just read it , it sounds like more for high risk pregnancies. Learn something new everyday.  LOL .  I have had three kids and never heard of it.

  4. I went through this at 25 weeks, too. I think you're fine as long as you are still feeling your baby move. I used to drive myself nuts over it! And as far as kick counting, I only do it if I feel like I might be noticing a decrease in usual movement just for the reason you provided, which pretty much is they are just not moving the same all the time. You'll notice a big difference in movement over the next several weeks, where you don't have to pay such close attention to notice movement. It will be a lot more noticeable. So, I am 33 weeks, and I don't do kick counts because he moves all the time, so I know he's fine. But, if I felt like he wasn't, I'd drink juice, ice water, etc. and rub and pat my stomach, lay on my side and count 10 movements within an hour. Some people say 2 hours, but my doctor says 1. You should wait a few weeks to start that, though. If you feel a dramatic decrease in movement, then go in just to be safe. But, I think what you are feeling is probably common.

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