
25 weeks with tummy trouble?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 25 weeks pregnant and the last 2 days I've had stomach problems. TMI ahead... I keep having loose stools and having to go often. Should I be concerned or just assume I have some sort of stomach virus and see if it goes away?




  1. It's probably just a little indigestion in your tummy... but if you're feeling weird about the whole thing, it's better to just call your doctor. You probably won't even have to go in. But you'll sleep better at night hearing it from them.

  2. You should be concerned when i was pregnant, i had these problems too, but i went to my doctor and he gave me shots and drugs.. but he was wrong, he killed my kid.It was horrible so dont listen to doctor go through natural reproduction. Now though im happily married with 5 kids. <3  

  3. Stay hydrated, most likely it's just a virus.  It may also be hormonal.

  4. get it checked out just to be safe u never want anything to go wrong with a baby u can never be to careful about this time of ur life

  5. 2 be on the safe side id go to a doctor or do some reashearch

  6. go see the doctor. be concerned.

  7. Well--start by saying sorry--but I have had 4 and with 2 of them have had very loose stools to the point of not making it to the bathroom--my doc said to make sure I was eating enough fiber and tried that but still a prob--pregnancy brings on all sorts of things--yea for you though--I loved being preg wish I could experience it again--but would entail raising my 4 again--lol-have fun while it lasts

  8. don't listen to the first answer don't abort go to the doctor

  9. i would contact your doctor. its most likely fine and normal, however loose stools is a sign of pre-labor symptoms. its most likely viral so dont go worrying yourself crazy!!

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