
25 with 2 kids? Loser or not?

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I want to know if you consider someone at the age of 25 who has 2 kids a loser but is married to the baby's

What about a 25 with 3 kids......

last one......26 with 5 kids...




  1. It all depends. Kids are great. But if you can't control yourself to not get pregnant then maybe you are a loser. I didn't have my first child until I was 33 so I don't really have a clearl judgment on the question.

    If you are 20 and popping out kids every year then maybe you have some issues. If you are unmarried and having kids with any random guy then you have issues. Not fair to the kids at all to be spread out all over the place.

    I wouldn't call you a loser for having 2 kids at 25. Rare. But not a loser.  

  2. I'm 23 years old now.  When I was 8 years old I had made my mind up that I wanted to be married with 2 kids by age 25.  I've been married for 3 years this October.  We are currently in the process of TTC for the first time.  I want at least three.  If I had it my way, I would have been preggers within 6 months of getting married and then wait about 6 months after each kids was born.  I think it's admerable to have 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 kids.  Heck at one point in time, I told my husband that if I thought I could handle it and we had the money I'd give him a whole baseball  

    As far as the waiting, that is up to you.  I understand the wanting to give your husband everything.  There was one point in time, when I was told that I wouldn't be able to have kids (up until last month that was what I thought was going to be the rest of my life).  And I was so afraid that I couldn't give my husband the family he wanted.  His little sister decided that by the time she was 18 she was going to have a baby married or not.  She got pregnant at 16 but miscarried, then last year she got pregnant by an ex-marine.  (My husband hates him cause he's a pothead and a drunk and thinks his little sister could do a lot better then this man) but they had a baby boy on Feburary 22 this year and he loves to play with him.  It would always break my heart because I knew that I couldn't give him that.  

    I'm sure that your husband understands.  He's just feeling that father's remorse from them being so small and them being totally dependent on him.  

  3. I was 25 with 2 kids and far from a loser!!

  4. no

    1. no. she is in a marriage and if there are problems these can be resolved with marriage counseling.

    2. no, but she has to be careful in whom she gives herself to--body, mind, and everything for she is vulnerable to being loved and left without much concern.  

    3. life will not be easy for most men are not so enthused to support another man's children but there are guys that can love someone such as this one; some man would enjoy being married to someone and have no issues with supporting/loving children that are not his; some man would love to marry her since they cannot have children of their own--but to find them is not easy.  

  5. The only thing that really matters is what YOU want.  Do you want to have yet another child already?    

  6. As long as they maintain a loving, nourishing home, none of them are losers. The more kids they have, the more difficult it will be, but they are certainly not losers.

  7. Depends, what college did this person go to?  What kind of career do they have?  That's what determines success, not the fact that they did something that's a biological function.  Even a homeless r****d can get knocked up.

  8. Well if the person is married to the two kids' father, and they have a happy, loving home, then no, she's not a loser!  

  9. The only way they are losers, is if they are not taking responsibility for there kids.  If you are taking care of your kids it doesn't matter if you have 20 of them.

    As long as you are caring insurance one them, can afford to give them what they need, and have the patients to raise them.

  10. I think as long as the woman is married, and doesn't have multiple babys fathers, then that person is not a loser. Less the ring, and multiple "baby daddys", loser....

  11. Well.. I'm 25 and I have 3 children Actually i was a mother of 2 at 18.. I 'nor anyone I know of thinks I'm a loser.

    I don;t think age and #of children determines a persons "loser" status..

    I would think that in this situation its what you do with your circumstance that indicates if your a loser or not.

    example... mother with 1 to however many kids.. parties all the time, neglects her kids, doesn't care about the future, refuses to get a job or go to school, needlessly raising kids on welfare,  then has MORE kids== LOSER

  12. For me, it doesn't depend on the age of the person or the number of the kids. It depends on whether the person is a healthy, contributing member of society.

    26 with five kids, happily settled (married or single) and taking good care of their kids (staying home or working)? Not a loser.

    26 with 5 kids, neglecting the kids, bringing in a string of boyfriends/girlfriends, criminal record? Then I'd be more inclined to say loser.

  13. Definitely not a loser. If you're a good mom then having a family is great! Moms are attractive always.

  14. No, no, and no

  15. i am 22 about to have my third 6weeks from my 23rd birthday due 1/1/09 so i have to say no, losers are people like my mother smoke, drink, and do drugs, and all your children move out and don't talk to you and leave you alone because you are a lousy mother because you took the child support to buy drugs and the lights and water got turned off and the only food you bought for four years was bread, peanut butter, jelly, butter, and ramen noodles. That is a loser you definitely don't qualify as a loser, just take care of your kids.

    p.s. I just finished trade school i started when my son was 6 months old he is now a healthy 18 month old so if I can do it you can do it, just got to study while one bites you and the other pulls your hair, i had an overall gpa of 3.85

  16. if you are a loser then I'm a wayyyyy loser.. I'm 20 with 2 kids.. I think you should wait, it'll be even more sweeter once your done with school, things are in order.  It's tough going to school with a new baby..  

  17. 25 w/2 kids?  God I hope you aren't a loser, cause if you are, then we should form a club or something.  lol  (Well, I'm 30 now, but I had both of my kids before I was 25)

    It's all in what you do with what you have.  You could be 20 with 6 kids and so long as you are doing right by them and yourself you wouldn't be a loser.  (Not that I recommend having 6 kids at 20)

    Losers abandon their children; or worse stay and take crappy care of them.

  18. i wish i had had 2 kids at 25!! you have so much more energy to keep up with them.....after 30, forgeddaboudit

  19. my friend has 3 kids by 3 different father's now i think thats going just a bit over for your question,i agree with your first answer,it doesn't matter if you have 2-3 kids it matters if you take care of them,love them and etc...seems to me you have your heart going in the right direction..your wanting to be more stable minded,get a degree etc before you have any more children...try and encourage your loving husband to slow it down some on his reactions when those people are around or you just need to go into another room...

  20. Hopefully this is a "someone" in a committed relationship and part of a family unit...if not dating will be complicated no matter the age and amount of kids. Married and committed = not a loser.  

  21. No you sound like you love your babies and too your smart enough to see that right at this current time you know having another is just not quite right for you...  

    Give yourself six months, see where you are then...  I am sure your hubby will understand this...  As long as there is love a family will grow...  So love those babies and your hubby just the way you do...  And stop even considering the loser factor it does not exist...  

  22. im 27 female with 2kids. and is with the father of my youngest. that does not make me a loser.. however if i wasnt doing anything with my life like working and supporting my family, and going to college.. then maybe i would be a loser.

    even if you are getting help from the state and going to school or working atleast your trying that dont make you a lose either well thats what i think atleast.

    to me a loser is someone who is not doing or trying to do anything at all and keeps making/pop out kids and not taking care of them.. has nothing to do with age.

  23. Children are a beautiful blessing, so I don't consider you being a loser with 2 kids at the age of 25. Now if you are 26 with 5 kids by 5 different men, yes you are most definitely a LOSER!

  24. Doesn't matter what your age is, if you have kids and are raising them in a loving household, you are no loser.  Losers are the ones who ditch their families.  

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