
25cm??!! I don't get this.?

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Ok, So I'm 23 weeks, and I had my doctors appointment yesterday. She said my uterus measured 25 centimeters and was really shocked. She said that was huge. What does it mean and what is normal for this time? I was 115lbs before I got pregnant and I'm 21 if this helps. Is there a site for the guidelines on what your uterus should measure? Thanks.




  1. 25 cm is NOT huge for 23 weeks, it's just 2 cm off what you should be at. She should not have said it was huge because it's not as EVERY pregnancy differs.

  2. Your weight has nothing to do with the size of your uterus

    You probably have more water in your uterus than normal.

    if she did not freak out and schedule tests, it is normal, just probably a little suprising - or interesting - or whatever.  

    Don't worry!

  3. Thats not huge, I don't know why she is making a big deal out of it. When they measure your uterus, the number they come up with should match the week your in. On average, a lot of women measure up to two weeks bigger or smaller. Usually, this means that your baby is longer or that your due date may be off a little bit. Thats all.  

  4. Why in the world would she say you're huge?? You are 23 weeks and should measure 2 cm smaller or 2 cm bigger or right at 23 cm, so you're right where you should be. I've always measured around 2 or 3 cm bigger than what i am in weeks so it's not that big of deal. I think they only show concern when you are more than 4 cm above your weeks in pregnancy or below. The tape they use is only an estimate and as long as you are in range (which you are) you are fine. You're not huge, look at how small centimeters are on a ruler, it's not that much difference. You being only 115 lbs could play in that, it just means you're showing a bit more than someone that weighs more than you.

  5. Usually 23 weeks = 23 centimeters, 24 weeks = 24cm etc. But that is only a guideline. I cant see why your OB should be shocked. There is no reason, cause every baby, and everyone`s body in pregnancy developes in a unique way.

    Good luck, and dont worry!

  6. Your uterus should measure as many centimeters as you are weeks so if you are 23 weeks you should measure 23 centimeters in your case you are measuring 2weeks ahead which really isn't that big of a deal that just means that your baby is bigger... i was measuring 2 weeks ahead for a while so they sent me to have ultrasound to see how big the baby was and they said that she was a little larger than average... an average baby weighs between 6-8pounds when they are born... my baby is a little bigger so they estimate she will weigh between 8 and 9 pounds don't worry yourself im sure you and your baby will be fine... i hope i could help...

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