
25w5d pregnant and not sure what to do.?

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ive been cramping all day. some of its braxton hicks type cramps that ive been having for the past few weeks but then there are some where my whole stomach will just ache a little in my back. i also have a headache. i havent been hungry today either. i had a 1 hour glucose test today and maybe thats it but im not quite sure on what to do. ive taken two extra strength tylenol over an hour ago and im still cramping. ive also been resting most of the day.




  1. Sounds like round ligament pain, or that nasty drink for your gdd..  You should probably call your doctor tho instead of asking here...  

  2. One of the top reasons to call yourr doc is cramping or pain that does not subside after medication or a bowl movement, in other words, I would have already called my doc. If you cannot call doc, call hospital you are set to give birth at and talk to someone. Good Luck

  3. I had my glucose test yesterday and felt absolutely horrible for the rest of the day too.

    And last night my back was killing me, and the baby was kicking right down there and I had to lay down to get some relief.

    I think you will be fine but if you have regular pains or discharge call the doctor.

  4. As long as the cramping is irregular, there is no leaking fluids, and no heavy bleeding (anything more than spotting) then you are fine.  Some women get stronger BHC than others and that is most likely what this is.  If it becomes more painful and regular you need to go to the hospital right away, good luck!

  5. call your doctor. good luck and i hope everything turns out good.

  6. I know you've probably heard this already but make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water. I'm 32 weeks and have been experiencing the same thing for a while now. I have increased my water intake and you won't believe how much it has helped:) Hang in there:)

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