
26 wks 3 days, and no mention of a baby shower?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I've got about 3 months left and have NOTHING prepared for baby's arrival (except for a few onsies and a crib in the basement that needs put together...). I have things picked out online, but assumed I'd be having a shower in which I'd receive a lot of clothes, blankets, and things, as well as a few bigger items from grandparents and such.

The problem? No one has MENTIONED throwing me a baby shower since I announced my pregnancy...which was back around 7 weeks. Almost 20 wks ago! My cousins said they'd throw one but I don't know if they were being serious (they are 24, 27, and 20 yrs old) or just caught up in the moment. I really want to start buying stuff NOW, and am tired of waiting for a shower. Or well, tired of not even knowing if there IS a shower. How can I ask without sounding rude or impatient?

I'm a full time student in college as well as working part time so I don't want to put all the preparations off till the end. I'll already have to deal with finals the week after my due date, I want all other worries out of the way!




  1. is this your 1st?maybe their gonna surpise you

  2. Just I'm thinking of having the baby shower on ...whatever day, see if they mention helping out, if not...just send invites anyways, nobody needs to know who planned it...they wont know if you did.  

  3. Why would it matter how old they are?  I threw my first baby shower when i was 16 for my cousin... I understand you being excited... but it is wrong for you to have to have everything now and have no trust of faith in your family.  Oh by the way, I'm now 21 and just threw my 3rd shower for my sister in law... Baby showers are usually thrown about a month before the due date....

  4. Wow girl! You're busy! That could be part of the problem though. Your family & friends may be consipring something under your nose but are just having a tough time finding a day when you're not in class and not working. They may be waiting for a fall break from class or something. You never know.

    I personally hate surprises. When I got married, my first shower wasn't until 3 weeks before my wedding. I was so upset with everyone. I told my husband (fiance then) that I felt like no one cared enough about me to do this thing which was common knowledge. We were in the car & I was complaining about it and sure enough, when he dropped me off the apartment, I walked in and there was my shower! So you never know, they could have a surprise planned for you.

    Just so you know though, 6 months is pretty early for showers. Most people wait until 7 or 8. So don't assume that no one will throw you one. There is still time. If you're uneasy about it, ask someone (your cousin or a friend). But remember, they don't "owe" you anything. If they're giving you one, it's a gift to you. So don't make it mandatory. Let them work on it themselves. Good luck! =)

    Oh, and here's an idea. My friend Kristi set the date for hers & picked a host. Then the host took it from there. She planned the time, games, food, invitations, etc. Maybe you could do that, too.

  5. I threw my own baby shower... my partner and i decided that we wanted to get all our family (male and female) together to celebrate the pregnancy of our first baby.

    Id suggest just organize a date and a place to have it.. and then see if people help. If they dont help.. im sure they will come to it anyway.

    Good luck sweetie,,, Everyone is so busy around this time of year.. or any time of year really... It's probably just slipped their mind, where as its constantly on yours.

  6. I am so sorry that no one has considered  shower for you :(  EVERY baby, no matter the circumstances of its conception or arrival deserves a shower!  

    Are you close to your mom or other female relatives?  Maybe you could let them know that you would like to have a celebration for the baby but need help organizing it.  

    Best of luck to you!

  7. Just ask your cousins if you need to start pulling a list of ppl together for a head count. That should do it!!

  8. Well, I would discuss this with your cousins.  I mean, it's not tacky since they offered.  Just say you were thinking about it and with finals, etc. you would rather have it sooner then later.  Get them to book a date and then it's in their court, not yours!  Good luck and congrats!

  9. just talk to people about it let them know i have my baby shower 1 week n some days before my due date lol

  10. Do you have any mutual friends with your cousins that you would feel comfortable talking to about it? If so, you could share your concerns with them, and then maybe they could call your cousins and say something like, "so we heard you were thinking of throwing the shower, are you still going to? when is it, do you need any help?"  that way you could at least find out for sure if someone was planning a shower.  Maybe they're planning on making it a surprise, but I agree, you need to know if you're having one to know what you need to buy.  you still have 10 weeks until you're full term, probably a little longer.  I know you don't want to put them off until the end, but you have close to or over 3 months, so the shower probably wouldn't be for another month or so anyways.  Plenty of time...just see if you can find a way to figure out if someone is planning one.  If your family/friends realize no one is, someone will probably step up and want to do it.  

  11. I am 27 weeks. We are sending my invites out in about a week. Mine is october 4th. If no one has said anything more or asked about a date to have it or anything like that I would assume that no one is planning one "/ sorry.

    If I were you I would just start buying everything you need so you arent stressed out at the end trying to get everything at once. It going to get spendy.

  12. I would just ask. My sister is pregnant the same time, 3 months ahead of me so I knew she wouldnt be throwing me one. A couple people mentioned it and when time went by I brought it up again. They didnt forget, just didnt want to bother me with everything - I got enough going on. Also, there could be a chance they might be planning a surprise shower and thats why no word of it.

    If you are really worried, I like the suggestion of bringing up if they need a list of people together so noone gets left out with anything planned. See what kind of response you get. Good luck

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