
27 amendments, can anyone explain them?

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I need to study them and know them by Friday!

But I'm looking at them and its so many words! And soo complicated!

Can anyone explain each to me in an easy to study way???

Thank you! I would reeeaaally appreciate it! =]




  1. It is still a lot to learn... but this is a little bit easier:

    Amendment 1 Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition

    Amendment 2 right to bear arms

    Amendment 3 citizens do not have to house soldiers

    Amendment 4 no unreasonable search or arrest

    Amendment 5 no double jeopardy or no witness against yourself

    Amendment 6 rights of accused in criminal cases

    Amendment 7 trial by jury

    Amendment 8 no excessive bail or cruel punishment

    Amendment 9 people get rights not listed in Constitution

    Amendment 10 any rights not given to federal government are given to the states and people

    Amendment 11 individual can not sue a state in federal court

    Amendment 12 separate ballots for President and Vice-President

    Amendment 13 abolish slavery

    Amendment 14 if you are born or naturalized in the U.S. then you are a citizen of the U.S.

    Amendment 15 you can not prevent a person from voting because of race, color or creed

    Amendment 16 income tax

    Amendment 17 popular election of U.S. Senators

    Amendment 18 prohibition

    Amendment 19 women get the right to vote

    Amendment 20 President takes office on January 20 instead of March 4

    Amendment 21 repeal prohibition

    Amendment 22 President can only serve 2 terms

    Amendment 23 Washington D.C. residents can vote for President

    Amendment 24 anti-poll tax

    Amendment 25 how President turns duties over to Vice-President due to illness

    Amendment 26 18 year olds get to vote

    Amendment 27 Congress can not accept a pay raise until the next term

    Good luck!

    PS- put them on flash cards and quiz yourself both ways. That is how I always studied :)

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