
27 day old rat is shivering when I hold her but she is not scared and bruxes why is she shaking?

by  |  earlier

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please I just got these pet rats and I am working until 7 tonight and cant be home to watch her? She is active as anything playing all over the place? Could she just have been cold or something?




  1. Well rodents have very sensitive ears so it could be a noise. As well as it may just not like to be held up high. Maybe it is scared you may drop it or something. Try lying down on the ground and letting her run around you.- of course watch her though cause they can get away in a snap.


  2. leave her alone for a bit give her time to get used to her new cage

  3. How is it that you got a 27 day old rat? That poor thing shouldn't have been separated from her mother and littermates yet.

    It is certainly possible that she's just nervous, as rats brux when they are happy AND when they are nervous. Did she only do it that once? Does she only shake when you pick her up, or does she also shake when she's in the cage? If she only shakes when you pick her up, I'm thinking it's probably nervousness. If she shakes all the time, and it doesn't stop in the next few days, I'd take her to a vet.

  4. there senstitive probaly heard a noise like kiki said?

    they also might be scared cuz she is not yet use to u just give

    her enough  support and luv as u can hopfully it should work

  5. she probably IS scared.  Just so you know bruxing also occurs when rats are stressed not just when they are happy.  Many rats that I have had shook in the begining, the world is changing around her and it might stress her out a bit.  Its ok.  Comfort her, give her a treat and she should stop soon.

    If you notice she looks sick, not eating, not drinking or the shaking continues for a long time, take her to the vet.  But don't be alarmed just yet, sounds like the little baby was a bit scared.

  6. well, first of all, she very young.

    I'm surprised shes even weened yet.

    Anyway, my rats also do this and its fine.

    Just cuddle her and get her more used to you.

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