
27 years to pass the test. How is it possibly safe to have her on our roads??

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  1. Surely after all of these lessons it's safer having her on the roads than a lot of the 17yr olds who pass it first time.

  2. wow...hopefully I won´t coincide with her....

    But she´s had a lot of patience,hasn´t she? After all this years maybe she deserves it!

  3. you would think she would have given up. well, im not losing any sleep over it - more chance of first time passers at 17 crashing into me im sure!

  4. It doesn't surprise me, I am in CA, my grandmother is 85 she has driven in 20 years, the guy at the dmv accidently gave her her driver's license instead of the id card, he saw he filled out the wrong paperwork but he said dont worry about it. Unbelievable. My  grandmother has bad eye sight, half deaf and cannot drive, so it doesn't surprise me.

  5. I completely agree with you.

    It's ridiculous! Why should let this happen?

  6. Practice makes perfect so they say, lets wait and see

  7. Surely with all her lessons and her not so bad habbits she should be fine

  8. She is probably very safe. I know drivers who passed first time who are a positive danger to other road users.

  9. She will be a menace you wait and see.

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