
.270 wsm or the .300 wm

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so i went over to the local pro shop and was questioning the expert about what rifle is perfect for me. I started with the 30 06 and was told that they are no longer the best selling rifle and he said that the .270 and the .300 are dominating now. so i determined the .300 was overkill for the whitetail ill be hunting and i dont know if its just me but i think the .270 is a bit small for nocking down a bull moose. what do you think?




  1. I use 220 Gr for moose and Bear, 180 for deer, and 165 for smaller things with my Remington 700. Remington corelokt Ammo

    A big thing is shot placement.  Take the extra second for good shots and you'll have no problems with a well-zeroed rifle.

    Just think the .30-06 had been around for 100 years+.

  2. According to the Winchester Product Guide for 2008 the 270 WSM is recommended for Moose, providing you use the 130 or the 150 grain XP3 bullet.* The other bullet they recommend is the Accu-Bond CT in 140 grain.* They should know what their talking about.* Those are the only ones mentioned specifically for Moose, Elk, Brown Bear, Caribou, and Eland...*>> However they also recommended using the 30-06 using the 180 or 150 grain XP3 Bullet, and also the 180 grain Accu-Bond CT Bullet, and the 180 grain Silver-tip all for the 30-06...** Information on the 30-06 is just in case you use it instead of the 270WSM....

  3. 300WSM has that little bit more.

  4. That expert is a moron.

    All the calibers you mentioned are fine. I like the 30-06 better than the .270. If you wish to shoot sheep beyond 400 yards, then the .270 has an edge. The 30-06 is the most versitile of the calibers you mentioned. The ought 6 is all the gun you will need, and the ammo is plentiful.

  5. I ask the questions -- here's the answer for you ...

    No .. 270 is not too small.

    They recommend the 300.

  6. get the 30-06, its great for deer and you can get it at almost anywhere and has tons of different weights to choose from

  7. I think most people are wrong, the normal 270. win is an increadable gun and is not too small for a bull moose. My dad has been hunting for years with a and he has killed many many bull moose. The 300 wsm. is a little big for a white tail but alot of people still use them. I own a 270. win and a 300. wsm. Before i owned the 300.wsm i killed about 5 bull moose and 3 cows with the 270. and with no problem. I love the 300. wsm but i love having both evan more

  8. I don't really know what the local "expert" was saying but the 30 06 is still got to be one of the best all around rifles.

    However if you are looking at hunting bull moose i would go with the .300.

    A grain adjustment up or down will allow you to hunt both deer, moose and elk.

  9. Buy the 30-06 anyway, who cares what the so called expert said, he;s just trying to make a sale and get his commision. The 30-06 is a time proven round, capable of taking any game in North America.

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