
27yo and I dont a profession so I was thinking about become a cabin crew, How much u can get as cabin crew?

by Guest66370  |  earlier

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Hello I am 27yo and need find someself a nice job, i was thinking about cabin crew, but all i had read its not really nice, stress, tiredness, low payment... if you are or know anything about, could you tell me how much a cabin crew get paid per month and how many hours per week??

I have a patner visa as I am getting married with a slovenian citizien, do you think that is ok for me to work in uk?






  1. Only be a cabin crew if it is your passion. If you want to do it for the money, you will hate it. Do it for no other reason other than, because it is your passion.

    Pay go from 20,000 a year to 150,000 a year if you've been doing it for a long time.

  2. You dont do it for the money.

  3. Be under no illusion - this industry is not what it once was. With the increasing pressure on airlines to cut costs, crew are a frequent target. You'll be worked hard, paid between £1100 and £1800 per month (in year one) depending on airline and how much you fly, and you will probably have to start on a temporary contract.

    On the other hand, the experience is very valuable and you can see the world without paying for it. Beware, though, that nighstops are few and far between on low cost airlines, and even the likes of Virgin, once famous for its long trips, has cut down trip lengths to the bare minimum.

    Hours depend on type of flying, for short haul expect up to 6 days on followed by 2-3 days off. For long haul, 4-6 trips per month.

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