
28 Days Later-Ending Question?

by  |  earlier

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Can somebody explain the ending of the movie because I didn't get it?




  1. The infected were starving to death. So the three survivors, Jim, Hannah and the other woman, are trying to get the attention of rescue planes by sewing together sheets and curtains to form an sos signal.

  2. The HELLO with sheets was intended to get the attention from rescuers in planes or helipcopters.  One plane saw them so they are happy for that, help is on its way.  the plane did not have space (runway) for land and pickup them but they know the plane will pass the news about them and their location by radio and helicopters would be sent later.

  3. well they knew that the plane had seen them, however it wouldnt have been able to stop as no where to land (you cant land a plane with out a runway) however as it had seen them they knew it would send someone back.

  4. well, it was my impression that they didn't want to be saved. I thought the plane was there to look for infected people or areas, and they wrote hello so they wouldn't be exterminated, to show that they were not sick and to be left to live there. but hey, that's just me, it could also have been a signal to be picked up...

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