
28 days later can such thing be possible?

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is it possible for us humans to turn into zombies similar to the ones from 28 days later? if yes why if we can't why not?




  1. I would say highly unlikely. Any virus capable of damaging the human brain to such an extent that only a mindless desire to comsume human flesh was left would probably damage the brain so badly that motor functions, autonomic reflexes and sensory functions (vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste) would be severely impaired.

    Even if the whole mammalian brain was destroyed and only the reptillian brain remained (yes we have a reptillian portion to our brain, also referred to as the R complex. The mamalian brain evolved over the R complex) it would only provide basic functions but it could provide a basis for the violent behavior but with the major portion of the brain gone they would be blind, deaf and pretty primitive in their thinking, if you could even call it thinking. It would be more akin to instinctive behavior.    

  2. it happened to me once, true story

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